I've had clearwire internet for about 4 years now with very few complaints (just a couple of connectivity issues) no big deal...TILL NOW!!!
my service went down completely. after a few things they had me try, they determined it was my modem. fine, they overnighted me a new modem and told me to follow the instructions on returning the old one.
my service went down on a sunday, i had a new modem on tuesday, sent the old one out on wednsday and a phone call on friday saying my debit card would not accept the charge of $211 for not returning the old modem????? (automated) still no big deal.
i called them they said they recognized the error and would correct this.
monday. i find my debit card is charged $211.
issue i have to take up with my bank ($200 max per day)
anyway, i just found out about this tonight when i noticed the charge and the billing dept. is closed. bank will now charge me for going minimum. thanks for letting me vent, i'll sleep better tonight.