My Name is Clemens Von Oswald and I am a resident of the
UAE working at Sandoz Middle East Regional Office in Healthcare City.
On the morning of August 28 before boarding flight LH 639 to Munich I went to the toilet opposite gate 107 in Terminal 1. Once I entered the urinal area I d that there was a cleaning process in progress performed by a cleaning person. The urinal area was covered by a soap solution dripping down from all urinals.
After turning away from the urinal I had used I slipped on the floor, went towards the floor with my left knee hitting the floor and afterwards clashing on the floor with a severe impact on my left shoulder.
The employee doing the cleaning helped me up as I was hardly almost unconscious from the painful impact. Whilst I left the location I noticed that the employee immediately pulled plastic access preventers towards the area.I mentioned to him that this is extremely dangerous and told my wife that I severely hurt myself . As the plane was boarding at this stage we went and occupied our seats 20 A and 20 B on the flight.
In the plane my pain levels rose significantly and I noticed a bruise on my left knee. I had severe problems in getting up from my seat.
After arrival in Hamburg I went to see my local doctor, was immediately referred to an emergency hospital were x rays were performed. Additionally an MRL investigation was required the next days which resulted into a diagnosis of a fracture in my left shoulder and a ligament distortion.
All medical information has been recorded and will be submitted in a separate report.
Due to the severe security lapses of Dubai Airport Cooperation I claim recovery of medical costs, damages and pain compensation. My legal advisors will specify these claims subsequently.
As I am currently unable to travel I will contact you again when I return to the UAE. In the meantime you can contact me via email at the following address:
[email protected]
Mobile number: +971 55471 9826
Kind regards
Clemens von Oswald