So i was supposed to recieve a shipment of cold Coors beer on 12-24-10.So dumb ass Cletis tells me that someone(Att Pro)stuck a complaint on the website and boom Cletis gets pulled over.Well this guy is shady and didnt really have all the right documentation for commercial delivery so im out muchoo bucks and alot of people pissed at me that wanted cold beer! CLETIS SNOW is a fraud and is transporting illegally as per the federal laws with NO min. required $750, 000 commercial cargo insurance in force with the Gov to be legal. Thats no protection for your cargo, (Gov Proof below)...NO DOT, MC or ICC #S and not displayed on the side of your owned or leased legal trucks like all legal commercial trucks running DOT hrs & log books. You need proper government authority to transport for hire and to be legal. You have not. We have filed against him. Do not use this guy or the many other non legals that state they are insured or legal it will cost you in the long run. When he gets pulled over by any law enforcement or go over required scales or at state lines driver will the arrested and fined and your load will be impounded and towed to DOT storage and get fees/fines and require a legal transporter with DOT / MC #s with commercial insurance to remove it with proper certification after all fines & fees have been paid.
BEWARE, He is illegal and there is no protection with this hauler.