November 2, 2010
They simply do not care about their bloggers at click2 at all
It used to be a really good site where you comment/blog with one another until they started closing most of the news stories to comments. The major stories you can't comment on anymore. They might only have 1 or 2 crap stories about insignificant b.s. for days at a time. We regulars on there have emailed complaint after complaint to them but they don't even bother responding nor are they doing anything to open up more stories. We've even complained to Managing Editor of the site, Lyn Stewart, who completely ignores us all. I wouldn't bother even reading their news stories anymore. Half the time the articles are hastily and poorly written anyway. They use Disqus for their comment program but Disqus can't do anything to help the situation. The only problem with Disqus is the automated moderating system wont let a lot of innocent comments through for some reason. In fact, one of the key words that will keep your comment from appearing is the word "never". Seriously, lol, it wont let the the word never through or links either. You have to write "never" as "ne ver" with a space so it will get through. When you do get the moderator pop up that says your comment must be approved by a moderator before posting, you will never see it posted. That's because it's the responsibility of click2houston to moderate their site and they NEVER approve it or even look at it so it isn't Disqus' fault, it's laziness or whatever on part of click2houston. They simply do not care about their bloggers at click2 at all. Myfoxhouston.com is better. The only reason we still try to comment on click2 is that we have regular blog buddies and that that we interact with. Now, the site is losing bloggers and it's getting ridiculously boring.