Have received numerous spam for some Phillipines situated idiot. The spammer copy pastes the recommended e-mail from the seller's website (not Clickbank, the seller). He then proceeds to hose the Internet with it. He uses third party tiny URL makers to obfuscate where his own pages are hosted (he doesn't host any except some crap pages in the .TK ccTLD).
Clickbank.net, for some inexplicable reason, has chosen not to allow others to report these abuses. When one sends an e-mail to [email protected], one gets the following (this comes directly from the SMTP spool log):
15:08:40 [29010] Connecting to
15:08:40 [29010] Connection to succeeded
15:08:51 [29010] RSP: 220 d.mx.clickbank.net ESMTP Postfix; Thu Oct 14 12:08:41 2010
15:08:51 [29010] CMD: EHLO [obfuscated]
15:08:51 [29010] RSP: 250 Hello, spam sender. Pleased to be wasting your time.
15:08:51 [29010] CMD: MAIL FROM:<[obfuscated]>
15:08:51 [29010] RSP: 250 You are about to try to deliver spam. Your time will be spent, for nothing.
15:08:51 [29010] CMD: RCPT TO:<[email protected]>
15:08:51 [29010] RSP: 250 This is hurting you more than it is hurting me.
15:08:51 [29010] CMD: DATA
15:08:51 [29010] RSP: 451 Temporary failure, please try again later.
15:08:51 [29010] CMD: QUIT
15:08:56 [29010] The smtp session has timed out.
What was sent was a legitimate Unsolicited Bulk E-mail complaint to the registered address with Abuse.net. And this is the giggly little joke that one gets back. One is not able to send an abuse complaint (handwritten or machine-crafted) to them. Why? I suspect it's because they make tons of money off spammers. There is nowhere for one to inform them on their Web site (already tried it; you get an error message saying the message contains spam; like *duh*, it's an e-mail abuse complaint).
Anyone considering selling product through Clickbank best be warned. Clickbank doesn't give a tinker's dam* about your reputation or whether your product is sold by spamming -- even though they pay lip service to it in their affiliate Terms and Conditions. There is nowhere for the public to report the activity so Clickbank can kill the account and any other account associated with the spammer.
I, for one, will not puchase another product through them.