Whatever you do, stay away from the company clixgalore.com!
I requested to close my account with clixgalore as a merchant. My affiliates were all paid so I requested that they return my remaining funds in my account and to cease from withdrawaling any more funds.
Shortly after this, they went ahead and deducted money from my account again.
Anyone who has been a merchant with them knows that your account balance has to always stay at $75 and above as long as you are still using clixgalore.
Well they decided to keep my account running for months even after my twenty-some emails telling them to close it.
From the repeated withdrawals, clixgalore has completely destroyed my credit by doing this numerous times.
This resulted in my bank account to be severely overdrawn and
eventually had to be closed. I attempted time and time again to close out my account
with clixgalore but they would not listen and just kept trying to take more money
out of my account and eventually each time they attempted to take money out, it was
like a bounced check. I was having to pay repeated $35 fees each time.
I did file a complaint with the BBB and that finally got them to email me and if you can believe this, they said I had
to pay a cancellation fee in order to close the account! Whatever money I requested them to refund back to me has long vanished as they spent it all.
This company has a VERY BAD reputation for doing this to people. It's pretty much all over the internet and the stories are all similar to mine so BEWARE OF CLIXGALORE!