PeopleString ‘Where You Own the Web’. It is the new wave in relationship and social communities; it has the Creativity, Culture, Expressive Forums and places to meet new people and network; but now it combines all that with giving you a share in the revenues that are created by the users of the website.
The ‘other’ social sites keep all of the money for themselves and never give any to their users. They are making millions off of your actions and keeping it all. PeopleString shares the revenues that are generated by its members. This is unique for online social communities. Who other than PeopleString gives its members back 70% of the revenues? (Find Out More) This company intices you to enroll for ease of consolidation of email acocunts, then wants to chare a $200 fee for the service. If you send an email in error to the email address they sent you they want to insult you calling you names and accusing you of spam after they sent you an email asking you to buy thier product for $200. This company should be shut down and told to get a life and stop making accusations and accusing people of things they are not guilty of.
I strongly advise against this company and others who think they can control your usage of email and the internet. I am blind and mistakes happen when sending emails, they are not intentional and yet some have the audacity to try and charge a peroson for what other sites are giving away for free. So much for capatilism and free choice I presume it is ok for some and not for others as indicated by the Director of Marketing Bruce Van Heel who proceeded to call me a name.