Ordered some replica handbags from www.cloci.com and was SEVERELY disappointed! The purses I received were complete junk and didn't even match the photos of the products advertised on their website. Anyone thinking about ordering from Cloci should be aware that the photos they post on their website are NOT photos of the actual products they have manufactured and will NOT be the bag that gets shipped to you.
Although they are supposed to be selling "high quality designer replica bags", the bags that are shipped to you are not even close to the real thing. Cloci didn't even make an effort to match colors and/or materials. One of the bags I ordered was supposed to have a cream-colored interior. The bag I received had a cheap orange interior! How did they confuse that? Of course, the picture on their website has the correct interior. Hmmm, very suspicious...
Another one of the bags I ordered was supposed to have a gray sueded interior. The bag I received had a cheap black fabric that was sewn so poorly, the stitching wasn't even holding together. Not to mention that you could see the carboard used underneath the cheap exterior of the bag. The zippers sucked too. This bag went immediately into the trash as it was not even useable.
Another one of the bags I ordered was supposed to be dark, dark blue. What did I receive? A light blue purse! Yes, I am an idiot for ordering so many bags from them untested but was lured by the free shipping. Trying to save a buck cost me much in the end.
I am a bargain shopper and in this case the bargain was definitely NOT worth it! Thought I was getting a deal, but in the end, you get what you pay for. The bags were priced very cheaply and that's exactly what I got - CHEAP, EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY merchandise some of which could not even be used.