I responded to an ad on craigslist for a customer service position for Clown Monkey Clothing. After completing the online application, I received an E-mail inviting me to post on their message boards, so they could supposedly get to know everyone.
It didn't take long to realize that there was some serious monkey business going with this site. To make a long story short, clown monkey clothing is luring thousands of people to their site by offering them jobs for a company that has no inventory, and no product of any kind.
They actually have a picture of some random looking guy, with a fake shirt very poorly photo shopped onto him. They are calling this monstrosity a 'collectors item' and selling it for $30.00 dollars, and urging their prospective employees to buy this thing.
The supposed president of the supposed company takes part in the message board over there, and after I started asking questions, and the community there started to realize they had been bamboozled, he offered to answer all of our questions and prove that he was legit.
After about an hour of him dodging every single question that was asked of him, he said, ' I haven't slept in 5 days, and my burrito is cold'. seriously, thats all he could say.
Bottom line is this place is not a legitimate business. Buyer's and job seekers beware.