I got bamboozled bya smooth-talking salesperson 5 years ago at Mt Tremblant. Believed her story, took a witness and notes (they tried to get me to submit my notes to them when I agreed to buy the membership--should have run for the hills right then, but I was an idiot), paid $20, 000 in "equity" and have been paying $1000/yr in dues ever since. This gets me about 3 or 4 weekend days per year at Mt Tremblant. You do the math. It does not work out to $100/nt as the sales rep told me. Their exit plan whenever I complain to them is that I need to make the most of my membership by going at off-peak times, like during the week (where I get docked $300/day from my employer) or during the spring/fall (tell me, how can a person go downhill skiing on rocks and mud?). I might as well turn my thermostat up to 100, close the curtains, and pretend I'm in the Caribbean. I could list a dozen lies that I was told and my notes mean nothing. They dismiss what I've been told, and even though my witness has a good memory, they say it's my word against theirs.
I would like nothing more than to hand in my membership, write off my points in the bank and get my $20, 000 of "equity" back and forget this very bad dream, but again, even though the sales rep told me I could sell back my membership for what I paid for at any time, I find out after I've given them my cash (and it is in the fine print that they give you AFTER you become a member and give them your cash) that this is not the case, they will make me wait 5 years then pay me half of what I gave them.
They deserve a class action lawsuit, and I'm not talking about the black eye in Whistler either, but one launched by its members, to make Club Intrawest accountable for what they do and stop stealing from the very people who pay their wages. I was recently at a Club location, and overheard another sales rep spinning the same lies to another would-be customer.