I ordered a bag from this website thinking it was an actual Coach Outlet. I assumed it was like any other outlet store which normally sells authentic merchandise with slight defects. So I ordered a Black, leather cross body bag for my daughter, paid $89 USD and the bag I received was a gray, pleather horrible bag that looked nothing like the one I ordered. I went to the website and of course, could not access Customer service and though they advertise returns accepted, you can not click on anything, the shipping receipt had no return address-only a company name written in Chinese. Luckily for me, I still had the original order confirmation email so I emailed the person that sent it to me. Surprisingly he answered back and asked me to send a picture of the bag I received, so I sent a pic of the bag I ordered and the bag I rc'd, a picture of his email address and the order confirmation-I also emailed a copy to the authentic Coach site. This person informed me I rc'd correct order but the lighting made it look different and offered to credit me 1/2 my money if I returned the bag. I was now acting on principle and it was no longer about the money and I informed him of that and threatened to investigate his gmail account and file a lawsuit and he finally gave me an address to return bag. So if ANYONE has ordered from coachoutlet4s.com and needs a return address, the one I rc'd is: Zhang Jinglong Putian University Putian, China 351100-email I had is:
[email protected]. For all others-BEWARE-there is NO COACH OUTLET ONLINE-they are all scammers-most based in China. The Coach people advised me they are forwarding my complaint to their Fraud Investigation department so if you get scammed-email or call the actual Coach Store-they advised me they are trying to stop these people from scamming Coach customers.