I was searching for coach handbags online and found this site. Site looked pretty good. So, ordered a bag and got confirmation mail. Later, I had a live chat with the website folks about the delivery date. I was informed that they no more have the model that ordered. I would expect a mail if the ordered product is not available.
But never received one. But the live chat person was polite and encouraged me to order another bag. So, I went ahead and ordered another model.
I got the bag with in 10days(which is expected). I was waiting for the bag and was very disappointed when I opened the packet. The quality is so poor that I cant use that bag at all. I didn't get the color I ordered. Initially I was thinking of using that bag as a diaper bag for my daughter. But its not even worth for a diaper bag. So, I sent an email to coach001.com
I got a response asking for the photos of the bag. I have sent the pictures of the bag and explained clearly whats wrong with the bag.After that I didn't get any response from them for a week.
So I had a chat with the live support and asked to return my money. The discussions continued for a week. So, after a weeks discussion I was informed that they will return my money. Its been 10 days and they didn't return the money.
They wont even respond to my emails.
Never buy from this site. You will be disappointed. I was so disappointed with this site and do not want any one to experience the same.
Even though it is expensive, it is worth buying an authentic bag. Do not buy these fake bags.