March 10, 2008
Terrible customer service!
I have been trying for a month to find out who owns the tank on our property. I have made several phone calls, left numerous messages and had several people leave me with the promise to "call back". Our property owners are telling us they own the tank, we've asked for documentation from Coast Gas to prove their ownership. They said we signed a contract and that is proof of their ownership. I explained to them the tank was already on the property when we and the tenant prior to us moved in and we need to see some kind of asset documentation. All this time and the tank may not even be their's but they've charged us $65 a year "rental" for it.
Let's talk about billing. It takes up to a month to get a bill. You send payment and two weeks later you get another bill with late fees attached because their book keeper is always out sick.
Let's talk about delivery. I had set scheduled delivery for 120 gallons because of the rising price of gas. We're on a limited budget with 2 kids in the house who have to eat occassionaly. Suddenly I get a bill for over $400 and over 120 gallons. I called and asked what happened and they told me they never had that agreement with us, but they'd be happy to set it up. Oh and by the way, you'll have to pay more $$$ per gallon to get the short delivery of 120 gallons now.
Great company to stay away from.