Cobra collection as been harassing my mother for a bill which was transfered from her doctors office, my mother made payment arrangements with her doctors office & they sent her threatening of filing a lawsuit. When my mother began explaining the problem with her work the collector became very abusive & talking over her & would not let her speak i was a witness to this! my mother then asked for a manager which he was very verbal abusive towards her & he accused my mother of being verbal abusive & if she didn't stop being verbal abusive that he would terminate the call & he hung up on her very unprofessionally my mother did not speak to them in a verbal abusive behavior this is just their lie for them to get out of trouble my mother was out of work so she could not pay collection agencies do not care about our problems but they cannot abuse us or threatening us! They were the ones being rude & hateful towards my mother trying to bully her into paying.
Cobra collection lied to the attorney general & the better business bureau accusing my mother of verbal abusing them & streaming @ them & the better business as but a satisfactory rating when the business does not deserve one, why is it the better business bureau helps the business & not the consumer after the bureau contacts the business they can find no wrong doing so cobra collection gets away with their abuse, if the better business bureau is covering up for businesses they need to be sued!.