April 1, 2009
Unathorized deductions from account
I live in Florida and I am a builder. I say this because I am struggling to find customers just like everyone else. I am one month late on a loan and have been communicating with the bank letting them know when my draws (pay) are coming in. Although I ran 2.6 million dollars through their system last year, SunTrust could care less about me today. I just looked at my account this morning and noticed that the bank had taken $1, 357.00 from my personal account to "catch my account back up" without my knowledge or consent. After asking the bank why they took the money without my consent, I was told of a little "blurb" in the contract (in print so fine that I had to get a magnifying glass to read it) that we all sign when getting a loan that states that SunTrust has the right to take from any account that has your name attached to it for late payments on a loan with SunTrust. Not many people know this as I've since learned. I told my brother about this and he said "oh yea...my wife had her name on the little league baseball team account that she helps with and we got behind with SunTrust and they took it out of their account". This blew me away. The banks, as a whole, caused this mess with the economy and they are going to do everything they can to make sure they get paid. Even if that means taking you’re last bit of milk money for the kids. Folk if you don't believe me, you need to go to your branch manager and ask them about it. It may save you some heartache. Just like the above statement said, never have your loans "and" checking accounts with SunTrust. It opens the door for them to take your money without your consent if you get behind. I’m now scared to death that the economy will stay in such bad shape that I will again get behind and they will take what little money I have left. Another example of the fat cats getting fatter and the rest of us being thrown out with yesterdays trash.