Imagine you've just left work after another grueling day and all you want to do is get home and take off your heels and kick back. As you sit at a red light just a few blocks from home you're just waiting like everyone else to continue your journey. The light turns green all the cars in front of you drive on and you begin to follow.
Suddenly, and without reason, the VAN in front of you slams on the brakes. You do everything in your power to stop, (you're driving "supposedly" one of the safest cars on the ROAD Mercedes Benz) but the car doesn't stop instead the brakes force the car to lower and it skids under the VAN. The front end of your car is totaled.
But, this is just the beginning of this nightmare. The real horror is that you have just become one of the thousands of victims to a vast organized crime scam called "Swoop & Squat". These are staged auto accident where the driver in front slams on their brakes (without reason) and because you did not anticipate this you have seconds to respond.
Well of course, the result is thousands of perfectly honest drivers just do not stop in time and tap into the car in front of them. Literally tap into it. In my case as in most there is no damage to the car in front but your car can sustain enormous destruction.
These crimes are a serious problem in Florida and according to law enforcement nothing can be done about it. As the Sergeant of the Coconut Creek Police said to me “It’s the system there is nothing we can do about it”.
I have attempted to get help from several organizations the police, the State of Florida "Division of Insurance Fraud", my insurance agent, the victim's right's organization of Broward even the FBI.
None of them are responding, other than to say, yes this is a rampart problem, but we can do nothing about it. This is a problem for the Insurance Companies. The insurance companies tell me “Yes this is a serious problem we are very aware of this BUT: “It’s too difficult to prove”
The police told me that both law enforcement and the insurance companies is aware of these organized crime groups. But, even with this knowledge nothing is done. There is no law enforcement intervention or other legal recourse.
This is organized crime involves doctors, lawyers, and large groups of individuals who have repeatedly been involved with these crimes and nothing happens. The only thing that happens is that we pay for this crime through higher insurance premiums and lack of legal representation.
This is unacceptable. I am writing to you because I have run out of places to go. I have only recently relocated to Florida and I am overwhelmed with how much crime goes unabated. I understand it is a major problem in most states during this recent "depression".
I truly hope you would consider investigating this particular crime. It is affecting all of us and it needs to be dealt with by law enforcement.
Why aren’t they putting them in jail?
Maureen McMeekin
2202 Lucaya Bend #L-4
Coconut Creek, FL 33066