When a company grows it is important to hold tight the values as well as to conform to the policies, which makes it viable for its next level. Looks like Cognizant is not cared about it and sure this negative attitude will show up if it continues not to care for a long time.
To cite an example, Cognizant has not announced the promotion list till today which was due to March end (Almost 2 months delay). There has not been any communication to employees regarding why the delay or when the results should be expected. Management do not attend to or bother to answer the questions raised in company forums and HR helpdesks.
This shows primarily, how weak they are in HR operations and organizational communications. The value given to employees comes next.
Imagine the fate of the project if the software developers and engineers and project leads shows the same kind of attitude - ie; two months after deadline also no communication regarding the delay and when it is expected. Also ignoring emails and query from clients about the delivery ;)
It will not go till two months. In a couple of weeks they will be thrown out of the project if they show an attitude similar to what they receive from their employer.
Hopefully management will realise it's weak links sooner than later.