Linda E.
February 7, 2010
Coke Rewards
Re: Coke Rewards
I am so pissed about losing my points! I had 1400+ points and due to inactivity for 90 days, I lost them all! I spent a long time building those points up and drinking a LOT of Coke products, A LOT! Just because I was dealing with the death of my Mom, surgery for myself and the Christmas holidays, I get punished and lose all my due points? This really is NOT fair! What difference does it make to Coke Cola that I was not on the internet for pleasure for 90 days? Will it really kill Coke Cola that I could have maybe gotten a tee shirt with my points? This really gives Coke Cola a bad name and now has me really rethinking Pepsi. I was doing so good at collecting my codes and then Coke just takes them away due to my painful and exhausting months! I know I got an email from Coke about my rewards expiring, but due to my circumstances, I read it 3 days too late. I can understand a year of inactivity, but 90 days? Come on!!!
gloria jones
September 10, 2009
vending machines
I have a serious compliant.
If I put my money in a vending machine to get a regular coke and it is SOLD OUT, I should be able to get my money back and not be FORCED to purchase a diet coke or sprite.
Please tell someone to fix machines so you can GET YOUR MONEY BACK and go somewhere else and purchase a regular coke.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you, Gloria Jones
August 29, 2008
glass chip on inside of Arizona Diet Blueberry Green Tea
Iwas drinking a bottle of Arizona Diet blueberry green Tea at work and near the end of my shift I was finishing the drink, when a solid mass got stuck in the back of my throat and I was choking on it, i was able to dislodge the mass, and to my horror, it was a chunk of jagged GLASS from the inside of the bottle..
I then called my boss, who came in and called the coke cola representative, who gave her a N0: for me to call, 1-800-GET-COKE, and told me to call them, and tell them my story...
I was advised to go the Hospital, because of the sore throat, hoarseness of my voice and overall shock, and when the hospital checked me, I have an abrasion on the upper left throat area, and am now on observation for any sign of bleeding, incase I ingested any smaller bits of glass... aswell as my arm will not stop shaking due to the extreme shock of this incident...
I was released on strict conditions to return if a fever or abdominal pain appears...
I will NEVER drink another Coke Product, I COULDN"T get in touch with anyone, there is no complaints or operator to direct to the call to a person, that could help investigate this matter...
Samantha Dickens
2741 Ostrea Lake Rd
Pleasant Point
NS, B0J 2L0