Run and don't look back!
This father and son duo represent themselves as the "premier" authority on college placement for athletes. Their concept (SCAM) is simple, collect a contingency fee for placement of your athlete student in a "lucrative" college with a scholarship (financial aid). Do your homework!!!
This is in direct violation of NCAA Rules 12.3.3 &
Used car sales techniques to pressure you into signing their unilateral contract. BEWARE...they will harrass you and demean you if confronted about it.
NCAA rule below
" Talent Evaluation Services and Agents. A prospect may allow a scouting service or agent to distribute personal information (e.g., high-school academic and athletics records, physical statistics) to member institutions without jeopardizing his or her eligibility, provided the fee paid to such an agent is not based on placing the prospect in a collegiate institution as a recipient of institutional financial aid."