This product and the trial offer seems to be a scam. Please read the correspondences below and judge for yourself.
To the management of Colonmedic, Colon 700
We were charged for two auto shipments that is the $174.26 total. We have already mailed all four bottles back to your company unopened. I do not wish to argue with you, please forward this request to your CFO, as an official customer complaint and note that your stubborn attitude and flippant email response will defiantly hurt your company’s reputation. I’m sure we were not the customers who were not satisfied, nor the only customers to lodge a similar complaint. I also don’t doubt that your product works for some people, and they may or may not experience the same side effects as my husband and myself. I would have probably never mentioned anything negative about your product or company until this last unpleasant and quite frankly insulting communication from you.
Yes the terms and conditions state what you claim; however, most reputable companies, do not place such ridiculous conditions on guarantees, and return policies. Your ads on the internet are indeed misleading.
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From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Customer Support
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:21 AM
To: Dawn
Subject: Re: Bottles already returned with packing slips
The terms and conditions, which you were required to read and accept upon ordering clearly explained how the program works. If the terms and conditions were not agreed to, the website WOULD NOT process your order. We have thousands of customers who actually read these terms and conditions and either cancel their membership within the allowed time period, or choose to keep the product for many months.
Since you did not cancel your trial membership within the 15 day allowed time period, what I can do for you is to let you keep the (2) extra bottles and give you a refund of $34.99, which would be half of the total you were charged, minus shipping charges since we cannot refund those. Thank You Rick James vqsz293
On 3/26/09, Dawn Wrote:
Rick James,
Yes, we understand that now; however, the two charges below were for auto shipments (one for Dawn and one for Ron) that were returned 3 weeks ago. We canceled almost immediately upon trying the sample, as the product caused cramping and was ineffective. I think the timing variance reflects the difference between 15 days of order processing and the actual 15 days after product receipt. The statement you made below truly reflects a poor customer service policy, as we were unhappy with the product and mailed the auto shipment back to your company at our own expense. It sounds like your spitting hairs with the 15-day cancelation policy. Once again, please credit our account for the $174.26 charges made on 02/26/09 as soon as possible.
Thank you,
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Customer Support
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2009 10:04 AM
To: Dawn
Subject: Re: Bottles already returned with packing slips
You received a charge of $88.97 because you did not cancel your account within the allowed 15 day trial period, as stated in our terms and conditions that you are required to read before purchasing. As stated in the terms and conditions, you have 15 days from your trial order to cancel or you will be sent another fresh 30 day supply of colonmed700 for a total of $88.97. This is a continuity program for customers who like the product. Any customer who cancels within that 15 day period is removed from the continuity auto-shipment program and does not receive any further charges or shipments. Here is a direct link to our order page which contains the terms and conditions on the page above the Order button Please be advised that your order would not have been processed unless you agreed and accepted the terms and conditions. You were cancelled so you will not receive any more products and will not incur any further charges from us. Thank You Rick James vqsz293
On 3/26/09, Dawn wrote:
To whom this may concern at Colon Medic,
Please advise of return status. The bottles were returned via USPS over three weeks ago. They (4 bottles, 2 in each package) were sent back to the address on the packing slip unopened. Unfortunately, they were returned prior to us knowing we needed an RMA number. We weren’t satisfied with the samples and actually threw away the majority of the samples. The pills caused cramping and bloating, so we discontinued use and canceled our subscription. Please advise when our account will be credited $174.26.
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