Due to a change in company direction, one of our locations is closing. I called the customer care center to close this account on Oct 12th and was told that unless I provide articles of corporate dissolution we would have to pay over two thousand dollars in early termination fees. I explained to the representative that our corporation is not closing, just our Westminster location. She insisted that we must pay these fees regardless. Needless to say, I am shocked, disappointed, and very pissed off.
In brief history we have been loyal Comcast customers for years, this location began with standard internet service provided by Comcast in 2007. In 2008 we upgraded our account to business class internet service. In 2009 I was approached by a business class salesperson, Rosin Nicholas, with the opportunity to cut our current costs by adding phone service. We also added this service to our other location in Frederick, Maryland.
The length of the contract was a concern, 36 months, but I was assured by Rosin that if we closed our store (as written on our contract, see attached) that we would not be charged the early termination fees. To prove this fact, she included the “economic guarantee” and that our early termination fees would be waived if our business location closed. Our contract does not state that our corporation must be dissolved in order to terminate the contract without fees, just that the business is closed. I specifically asked at the time of sale about this exact circumstance, knowing that we would never completely dissolve our corporation even if we closed our Westminster store.
In no time in history would an “economic guarantee” be more meaningful. It seems that this was just sales gimmick.
Back to our conversation today. You indicated that I must request a waiver of these fees to Comcast corporate. As per our conversation, I am to provide a notarized letter from our business CPA indicating our account number, address, business name, and contact number, and explanation that our business location is closing and is no longer able to support current Comcast services. You were to fax the proper paperwork and letter requirements. Attached is the information received, which does not correlate to the provisions requested in our conversation.
After digging through our old files, I have located our original paperwork as supporting documentation. I tried to contact Roisin by phone but per her voice mail, she is only able to take phone calls between the hours of 1-2:30.
It seems that the “Customer Loyalty Department” is more concerned with gouging current customers and tricking new customers rather than providing ethical business practices to truly grow customer loyalty. What a joke.
The only person who has been helpful in this process is Joyce Hatcher. She agreed to sit on the phone while I spoke to you about ending our contract. I am glad that she was there as a witness to what was promised over the phone as she agrees that the paperwork provided does not correlate.
In addition, when I called the business class support center I was told that my account was already closed. Reading the paperwork, the paperwork must be filed within 30 days. Your prompt reply is appreciated.
This letter is CC to Joyce Hatcher, Business Class Manager as well as Roisin Nicholas, Sales Representative.