Comcast Cable

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Farmington, New Mexico, United States

Phone number: 505-516-9697

Comcast Cable Reviews

Lod February 10, 2010
Too expensive to afford it
The recent announcement of a rate increase by Comcast for their cable services has broken the bank for me. I am retired and will no longer be able to afford the service as I'm currently using it. I have TV, High Def option and internet. After reviewing the selection of new channels that come with the rate increase, I find none of them of interest. I want a cafeteria plan for channels. I only watch 6-8 out of the entire line up and never watch movies.

My income has been going down so need some rate relief.
Stars January 19, 2010
Avoid at all costs
Any company that spawns entire websites devoted to consumer complaints about their customer service is a company to be avoided at all costs!

My experiences with Comcast have been atrocious and run the gamut of tech not keeping appointments; being lost in a round robin of voice mail until the system hangs up on me; having supervisors refuse to talk to me; having my email inaccessible (through the Comcast website!) almost 50% of the time; and having techs working from home who are only able to fix problems if they have a script concerning your problem in front of them.

Comcast does know about the enormity of the problem but they don't seem to be committed to spending any money to actually SOLVE the problems. If you read the newspapers you know that they do spend money "spinning" the customer service debacle but that's about it.

Pathetic, greedy corporate malfeasance. That is the Comcast definition of service. Caveat emptor!
Manico January 14, 2010
Terrible service
We have been customers of Comcast for years we pay 200.00 a month for service and for the second time they changed our phone number without notifing us! Than I talk to customer service for days and either get hung up on or told they would call me back which never happened, they tell me they have given our number to someone else and there is nothing they can do! WTF do they give me free services for MY trouble HELL NO they tell me deal with it, Well I think this is crap there are other Companies we can go through!!! If I was to not pay my bill and told them sorry you have to deal with it my service would be cut off so why should I have to deal with this? Can anyone explain this to me???
disrespected in Spokane October 24, 2009
Unauthorized Charges (pay per view)
I opened my Comcast bill rec'd today, 10/19/09 date on bill. I saw the total amount owing of 635.38 for two months. I was shocked. There are 14 porno movies charged on this bill. The dates are Sun 9/27, from 6:30am to 2:30 pm, Mon, 9/28 8pm to 10pm, Tues 9/29 6am, Wed, 9/30 12pm, Thurs, 10/4 6amto 1:49pm. I immediately called customer service, complaining that I did not order these movies. I am a single 45yr old mother with a 12 yr old son. I do not have a husband or a boyfriend and no other males in my household. My 12 yr old does not even know what pornos are. Many of the orders were during the week when I was at work (M-F 8-5) and my son was at school. I asked if there was any way somebody was getting into my cable from a remote location, they stated that is impossible. I asked because I live in an apt. complex, they stated the movies were ordered from my home, all of them off of my DVR in my living rm. I live in a 2 bdr apt and there is no way these would have been ordered in my presence. The charges on Sunday, 9/27 had to have been done in my presence and they were not. I watch football all day on Sundays, my son was not at home that day, he was at a friend's home. I told them this and that nobody was at home during the daytime hours that week and they insisted again that it came from my home. Of course, images of some pervert breaking into my home and ordering pornos while we were gone came to mind, they stated again there was no other way any breach on their end happened. I have found information that there are illegal black boxes that are sold and all the criminals need to do is look up codes on a website and they can then get into someone's cable, including ordering pay per view. Comcast is not taking my complaint seriously, I am afraid now that someone is breaking into my home while we are not here because they refuse to acknowledge that it could be any sort of illegal activity. I heard a story from one rep at Comcast (my 2nd or 3rd call) that there was only one other similiar complaint he had personal knowledge of and that was when he states the husband admitted to ordering the porn movies. I insisted over and over again that there is no male in my household other than my 12 yr old son, I felt as if they were implying silently that perhaps my 12 yr old 7th grader was ordering the porn without my knowledge, in my small 2 bdr apt. There were also some charges on my 9/19 bill from 8/22, four movies. I did not pay attention to my 9/19 bill or I would have complained earlier. They stated there was no way they could remove the charges, insisting they were mine. They did tell me how to put a block on the pay per view, which I did. I asked to speak to a supervisor, they stated there was no supervisor present. I asked for a phone # to file a complaint, they stated there is no number for this but I can fax verification of where I and my son were during some of the charges (work and school) and I could also include a complaint with the faxed information and I could write to the "executive" customer care in Fife, Wa. So, I have to jump through all sorts of hoops to get them to investigate this. I have called the Sheriff today and left a vm for his assistant to contact me. I would appreciate an investigation to determine if I have a pervert in my home or if it is on Comcast. I want these charges removed, I refuse to pay for someone else's filth. I would appreciate if Comcast would take this seriously and not imply that it was my12 yr old son or that I am being dishonest. I know, through internet searches, that Comcast is aware of the illegal activity in regards to stolen cable and unauthorized charges, but they are not about to take any accountability for this, instead they make their faithful, long term customers feel as if they are at fault. Please review this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your time.
Mad a$ Hell October 18, 2009
Unfair Billing Practices
May 30th a Comcast tech came to hook up my cable for a 12 month digital cable promo that included HBO. I have a receipt and everything. Yesterday I called Comcast, when I realized that my HBO was not working. They claimed that I was suppose to sign a contract that I didn't know was coming in the mail, and since I didn't, they moved me to a six month promo. By the way, they took me off the six month promo one month early. I am currently on the regular contract rate. They are dishonest, and apparently banking on people losing their paperwork. Not me, not today!


West Palm Beach, FL
Shumcher September 19, 2009
Unauthorized charges
I signed up for Digital Preferred Cable and Internet via the Internet at a price of $63.60 and Internet for $19.95 (promo price for 6 months - then it changes to $42.95). When I called to schedule the appt the person I spoke with told me that he could give me a different promo price that would be better ($33 for the Cable and $33 for the Internet). I hesitated and he said that it was a much better deal so I told him ok. I called today to add the DVR Service that and I was told that the DVR service is not available for the plan that I signed up with...she said it was only available for the "Digital Preferred" and I had the "Digital Starter" plan. I explained that I ordered the Digital Preferred plan...then I went through explaining that when I called to schedule the installation that the person talked me into this "better deal". I then told them that I would really like what I originally signed up for...she advised that she could do that but she would not be able to give me the Internet for 19.95 for 6 months because that was only available for NEW customers (even though I have only had the service since Saturday) and the agent misrepresented himself. All I want is what I originally signed up for...needless to say after talking to about 3 people and chatting with an Internet Customer Service person I am now on the $63.90 Digital Preferred Cable and $42.95 (+3.00 Modem Rental) Internet Plan. I was told by one agent today that he would correct all of this however it has not been corrected. I am so frustrated and it just doesn't seem fair.

I really would like the service plan that I was promised...either the $33 Cable (with Digital Preferred Plan) and the $33 Internet or the Digital Preferred Plan at $63.60 and the Internet at the promo price of $19.95 for 6 months (then it will change to $42.95). I do not think this is much to ask... A company should not be able to misrepresent a package and get away with it...either way I welcome a response.

I have also opened a case with the Memphis BBB but I do not expect much to come from this.
Drednout September 16, 2009
Unacceptable behavior
On Jan 23, 09 I terminated my cable and internet service with Comcast. This was two days before my monthly closing date for billing. I personally returned the internet modem, two converter boxes and two remote controls. I inquired about paying the final bill and was told it would be mailed to me shortly. On Jan 30, 09 I received a large bill from comcast, I looked it over carefully and noticed that I had been double charged for a pay for view movie. I called Comcast to get the error corrected and was told not to pay that bill because the final bill had not been reconciled and I still had credit coming for the equipment I returned. On Feb 9, 09 I received what I thought was the final bill, very nasty with large fonts saying disconnection notice, past-due - please pay, due immediately. I called to complain about receiving such a rude statement and was told that I would still owe a collection fee of $25.00 and past due fee of $7.00. All of this just 16 days after I terminated my service to switch to Att. I did everything the right way, I have been with this company and their previous owner, Time warner for over 20 years and never once a late payment. This kind of behavior is unacceptable.
hisbeauty4ashes August 31, 2009
Misrepresenting TV station and always changing things around with out contacting costomers.
I signed up for Comcast back in July 2007 for a basic cable package.I was excited cause I had all the channels I wanted. Then shortly after I received them they cut half my channels out with out informing they were changing over to digital. I had to pay the same price for the channels I was now not receiving. Then I leave to go out of the country so I discontinue my service.I come home and ask Comcast if we can reconnect my cable service. I ask them if I will receive Cnn and Fox News with the basic cable service and they tell me oh yeah you will receive even more channels so I am like great sign me up!The comcast service rep tells me i have to be home between 12:00Pm and 4:00Pm because that is when the guy is going to hook up my service. So I wait and I wait and I wait, finally I call Comcast where is the guy who is to come hook up my cable? She tells me there was no connection with my account. I am like what! I tell her I called the week before and asked for them to hook up my cable, and they told I had to be home between the hours of 12:00Pm and 4:00pm.She tells me I do not need to be home when they hook up my cable and that she would try and get someone out to hook up my cable. They hook up my cable finally, and I get all the channels I wanted like they said. I leave the next day to go out of town for a week and a half, I come home and half my cable channels are gone! I am like ugh! I call Comcast asking them what the heck is going on? They tell me oh with basic cable you only get 32 channels. I hit the roof going what! I told them that I talked to the costumer service person and they told me I would get these certain channels with basic cable.The service person said no, you do not get those channels. I said I want my service shut off I no longer want to deal with your service. They told me I still have to pay $37.29, I was like what I was not the one who made the mistake here. I then called customer service again this Am to talk to a supervisor. I shared with the supervisor the complaint I had with Comcast that i shared with the other customer service person and felt I should not have to pay for their mistakes. The Supervisor told me, oh that Comcast messed up and gave people several people more channels then they should have not gotten now, as if that was going to make me feel better. I told him they need to honor their customers because they are the one who made the mistake not us and that we should not have to pay for their mistakes. He told me I still have to pay the $37.29, he told me i can file a complaint with Comcast if I wanted to. Like that they were really going to do anything about it. I did not think asking not to pay the bill was a big asking price for all I have gone through with Comcast.

I am very disappointed in Comcast, and I will tell those whom consider Comcast for their cable that they are making a huge mistake and to please not make the same one I did by signing up with them.I filed a report with consumers affairs and hope to see some justice done for the customers that have had issues as well.

Thanks Jeanie
Offord Sims August 27, 2009
Installer Deception
I ordered cable tv and high speed internet to be installed in my resident on 8/25/09 and I was told that someone would be out 8/26/09 between 2pm and 5pm est to install my service. On 8/26/09 at 2:00pm I called my wife, who was home at the time, to see if the installer was there yet. My wife stated to me that the installer had been there and left a note that he came out at 2:15pm and nobody was home. I got off work early to try to get things resolved. I work aprox. 10 minutes from home. I arrived home at 2:15pm, read the note, and immediately called Comcast. I stated to the agent what happend and she said that they tried to reach me by a contact number that they never asked for at the office when I was ordering my service. She said that she would send a message to the dispacth and have them come back. She took a contact number and we hung up.At 6pm there was no call or installer so I called Comcast again told the agent what happend and that I wanted to speak to a supervisor and to my amazement he hung up on me. I immediately called back and a female agent took my call she was more polite than the guy who hung up on me. She appoligised and stated that the only available date that they can come out would be 8/29/09 which is three days from the initial installation date. Oh by the way I had payed for installation allready. I feel strongly that I should not have to suffer three days because an installer decided that he would put false information on a note just because he didn't want to do his job, that I had allready payed him for. Thats bad for business. They could have fitted me in for installation the next day somehow. After all it was their falt not mine.
so and so July 14, 2009
I have transferred to a diff Apt and they charge me installation fee and activation fee which the customer representative never let me know when transferred. There was no installation involved I did everything myself. I have called customer service and said they will waive the installation fee.

They again charged me installtion fee of $99.00 in my second month bill. which they say because my address has been corrected and they charge me again and this time they cannot waive it off.

Comcast can rob you, please make sure your address is listed correctly on their side otherwise they will charge you the correction fee, confirm that there are no hidden charges.

suggest not to go with them.

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