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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information Franklin, Tennessee, United States
Comcast Reviews
November 12, 2009
Bad Service, Bad Cutomer Care
Over 40 service calls since May 2 2008... Still no resolve, just bills.
First let me explain the monopoly... the only other broadband service won't provide me service because I am wired for Comcast. At my location I can not receive the boost package of DSL, only the low grade service.
I have had Comcast at this address for 2 years and have been fighting with them for over a year. The problems...
-I can not access ON DEMAND most of the time and receive codes that even a customer service reps. (CSR) can not figure out.
-When I do access ON DEMAND 50% of the time I lose audio or visual.
-My internet service will drop and then pick back up or it will lag despite the boost box installed and paying for the highest speed available.
-I have lost recorded programs due to the dropping of my cable service. With my cable I have dealt with losing audio, boxy picture, telling me I can not access a channel I was just watching, and the wonderful "this channel should be available shortly"
Now for the problems with the CSR...
-Every time I call I have to start from scratch, by now the story takes about 30 mins just to tell it (without interruption)
Their response is always the same, "I'm sorry to hear that, let's set up an appointment with a technician"
- 4 techs in one month and they all said the problem is fixed. When I ask what the problem was they say "I'm not sure" hmmm...
-The typical visit from a tech is.."Hey nice TV, what games you got for PS3?", and "I changed the connectors free of charge, that should fix it." YEAH OK
-I speak to a supervisor and they say I'll send a tech supervisor here is my ext# just call me if you have a problem. The next day a tech comes and says I have to get a supervisor to come out to handle this problem. I question the order and he confirms the order calls for a supervisor and he was sent anyway. The next day the supervisor could not find the problem that the tech did the previous day so he declared the problem fixed. Later that evening...same problem! I call the CSR supervisor I had spoke to and...they say he don't exist!!
-In 1 year I have dealt with approx. 12 technicians, 20 CSR, 11 supervisors, 5 line techs, and 1 area supervisor who was very helpful and came to my house but when a call center supervisor's supervisor caused some problems and involved him, I dropped contact at risk of problems being caused for the only person who tried helping.
-Proper notations are not being made there for when this gets passed on to the next person they have nothing but your word. AND after an hour conversation, they put you on hold for 10 mins to get a supervisor, who then gets on the phone and says "My name is ___. How can I help you?" REALLY I HAVE TO START ALL OVER???
-I have been told I do not qualify for promo packages because I am not a new customer by the supervisor's supervisor. With a $200 bill I say I am not paying until it is fixed or credited. I'm told I need you to pay partial so your service is not interrupted and we can fix the problem. I pay and...NOTHING. The same supervisor told me "Due the problems in the economy I understand it is hard to afford your bill but I can not provide you with free services." How presumptuous and offensive!!
-In the past year with all the problems and contact I have been credited $150 for the inconvenience and no problem has been solved. 2 weeks ago a Comcast tech knocked at my door and told me the neighbor is having a problem and I traced it back to your house.?? After allowing him to look around inside he said my wiring is causing a draw to the neighbors service and he is surprised I don't have MORE problems than I do. He also said that one of the 13 techs should have noticed it. Well the bill is due and I refuse to pay it! They told me they will send out a tech and I may have to pay for the service. Also after 95 mins and 2 supervisors they offered $50 credit on next months bill as long as I pay this bill or I will be disconnected and they can not work on my lines. $518 for two moths because I down graded service and got charged a month in advance for the new $125 service??? No help unless I pay this, this is how they break my protest and get me to pay even though they have not done anything.
-Calls are not returned, appointments are not kept, questions are not answered, and if I am told to reset my modem one more time I am going to scream!! All that does is disconnect me and when I call back they tell me to rest my modem again!!! Oh and the best is when they send out a signal to the box and it is not received. They say "hmm.. that's strange, why don't you reset your modem? AHHHHHH!
Bottom line...You can fight this, just do some research.
-Document all your calls
-If you haven't ask a CSR to list the service calls on your account, date and notes left behind
-Keep calling, Keep bringing strange techs in your house, keep calling back because this is what paints the picture for your argument
-Get CSR's names, their call center, and ID number. Get Tech's name, and any detail you can squeeze out and WRITE IT DOWN
Without this information you are going to have a hard time arguing anything!!
November 9, 2009
Lack of Service
I ordered Comcast Cable TV on October 20th, that is 20 days ago. When I ordered it I was told that it would all be set up the next day. When the installer came, he ran a cable into the house and informed me that the cable coming to my house from the underground box was damaged and they would have to run another. The work was promised to be completed within 3 to 5 business days later. They said they had to get a construction permit from the city to run another cable underground. I have been waiting since. I have had three installer show up at my door and bring me the converter box without me being informed and without any prior scheduling request or setup, they could not finish the work because they said an underground cable needs to be run. I was also called by five or six different individuals from Comcast telling me they are in charge of my "case" and they promise followup. I was told Comcast is still waiting for my city office to sign off on the permit they submitted weeks ago. I called my city office and found out that no permit has ever been submitted, my street is cabled for Comcast. I keep calling Comcast three to four times a day and am not getting any callbacks or service.
November 1, 2009
Service Fees Comcast OverCharged Duplicate Fees Class Action Lawsuit Expedia Service Fees One-Time Transaction Fees Poor Bad Customer Service
COMCAST seems like the biggest bunch of criminals and frauds. I cannot even begin to share all of the problems I have had with them over the last 3 years, too bad there aren't many other alternatives: I have set up 3 different accounts in 3 different addresses, since I rent and move every year. It seems like this always happen when I first start an account with them: First, they overcharge me on my first or second billing statement. I call in to let them know, they try to provide a reason why I was overcharged, I respond with the exact products I have signed up for and purchased, and they say that it is a mistake on their end and will remove the charges. They tell me to send payment for the lower amount I should have been billed for, and that the difference will be refunded. I send the payment, but in my next statement the difference that should have been refunded is carried over to my next bill. (For example, I sign up for Internet and Cable for $80.00 including all service fees, taxes, installation, etc, they send me a bill for $100. I call in to tell them I should have been charged $80.00, they try to manipulate and give reasons why they charged $100.00, I again tell them why it should have been $80.00, we go back and forth a bit, then they acknowledge I have been overcharged and tell me "go ahead and pay $80.00, we will refund the $20.00 difference so it doesn't show up on your next statement). Of course, I receive my next billing statement and again, I have an $80.00 monthly fee with a balance of $20.00 carried over, except this time I have a late fee added on as well. Now I have to call in again and explain the first conversation I had, and it is at this point that I have to get firm and show a different tone of voice to get them to believe me. They again tell me, send in $80.00 and the $20.00 overcharge and late fee will be removed, and I will only be billed $80.00 on my next statement. But just as certain as death and taxes, the cycle repeats the following month, this time with $40.00 (2 months) being carried over and 2 late charges being carried over. I don't know what the deal is with these people: either the Comcast customer service reps are the most incompetent workers in the United States word force, or the Comcaste Executives have designed a database which does not accept any kind of refund or is almost laughable at how bad my experience, my room-mates experiences, and most of my fellow classmates and friends' experience has been with comcast. In addition to this problem, I have recently experienced problems with: excess charges, countless "One-time transactions" and "service fees", and charges carried over from one billing cycle to the next after the customer service rep explicitly tells me that the amount has been corrected and I will not be charged for the extra charges showing up on my account. Unlike other honest / reputable companies monthly statements, if you do not actively manage your comcast account and call in to ask about mysterious "fees" that show up on your account, you can rest assured that you will be overpaying and overcharged for the services provided. I was chatting with a comcast employee and questioning why there was an additional $20.00 charge on my account, and after they gave me the excuses of "one-time fees" and "service fees" for adding a new package to my account, I asked them if they could send me a copy of their account policies showing where these fees are mentioned. As soon as I sent this request, the Comcast chat rep closed the chat and left the room. What a fraud! Comcast has a class-action lawsuit waiting for them, and they can rest assured that it is coming...first, of all they bundle their tax and service fee together on their bills, second, the service fees they charge their powerless, loyal customers (in my opinion) are being charged for profit, not for their intended legal purpose of covering costs. Expedia has a class-action lawsuit because of they were charging service fees in excess of actual costs and thus charging these fees for profit, which the court determined to be illegal after Expedia claimed that the customers were paying these service fees "voluntarily." The court ruled that it could not have been voluntary since the customers didn't have the knowledge of Expedia's actual costs.
My point, other than being very frustrated with the poor quality of service and product offered by Comcast, is to empower the people/customers who are paying hard-earned money every month for cable and internet, and have to deal with being overcharged for bogus reasons, sometimes no reasons given at all, and then when we try to get our problem resolved, it is almost impossible to get an agent on the phone, or an agent to chat with due to the automated blocks set up by these types of corporations, and even after someone gets on the phone or on chat, they do not provide an adequate solution, and we deal with poor service and abuse such as being hung up on, or having an agent leave the chat room without responding to your request. If you have had a problem with Comcast and are reading this, please post your problem, even if it is short. I am keeping very close tabs on my account and speaking to my attorney on possibly filing a class action lawsuit (YES, hypothetically this means there would be money in it for every customer who wishes to participate) for charging additional service fees that are not mentioned in their policies, illegally charging service fees for profit, not for covering costs, without the customer's knowledge since the customer does not have comcast's information of the actual costs, and for other reasons as well.
Post your problems, don't let these people get away with taking your money, or making you lose time and money by having to contact them with account overcharges and then having to wait so long to get a hold of an agent, and even then most of the time not having your problem corrected.
Feel free to contact me: [email protected]
October 29, 2009
mal servicio
Estimados lectores si me eh decidido a escribir esta queja, no crean que es solo por querer poner mis dedos sobre el teclado de mi PC, es que soy cliente por algun tiempo de esta empresa llamada comcast y cuando decidi utilizar sus servicios, fue solo buscando la larga distancia, para poder comunicarme con mis seres queridos que habia dejado en mi pais de origen, pues les cuento que mis encuentros con ese aparato llamado telefono, an sido frustrantes ya que cada ves que intento llamar, supuestamente las lineas deben estar ocupadas porque me es muy pero muy dificil poder concluir con mi llamada si es quela logro, que pasa senores tendremos que seguir soportando los malos sevicios que nos ofresen estas grandes companias que lo que estan hasiendo es enrriquesiendole los bolsillos algunos, pues yo me retiro de dicho servicio, quisiera que esto sirbiera de algo y no alla gastado de mi sueno en balde
October 18, 2009
October 14, 2009
Customer Service
Comcast has the worst customer service department ever and a monopoly on cable tv in the area I live in! It takes a minimum of at least an hour to2 even have an actual conversation with a live human being. They send you round and round with their automated service. Then it's a shot in the dark on whether or not you will have an ignorant representative on the other end of the line (which typically happens). They will then undoubtably lose the call, and not return the call (even though they ask for your phone number multiple times). If there is any other company around... steer clear from Comcast.
October 14, 2009
Overcharge in my bill
4 months back, I signed up a contract for a year with Comcast according to which, I will be provided with internet and cable (digital plus +hbo) for $65 a month.
But 2 months they suddenly billed me for $119.
I called them up many time to clarify this and atlast they said they would fix it and credit me back the difference($54).
But then when the bill came, they only credited me with $24.
I have to call them up again.
I am yet to settle this.
This is ridiculous. I wonder how many people are being overcharged like this.
September 30, 2009
I have had horrible customer service with Comcast in setting up my new account:
--9-3-09 was supposed to have my connection established when I moved in with no one needing to get in our home.
--Then, somehow, we had an appointment scheduled on Sept 3 from 5-8 p.m. No one told us, we were initially told no appointment was needed.
--Then we had the appointment arbitrarily changed, with no one telling us, to Sept. 4th from 5-8 p.m.
-Sept 4th I called in 6 times, I got cutoff, hung up on, mis-routed to tech support, told I'd be sent back directly to sales only to go back to the original phone loop, only to get the call dropped, for the 3rd time!
--Then a technician called and asked to come early on Sept 4th at 2 p.m. three hours early! I happened to be home, so it was fine, but inept as Comcast usually is.
--After trying to provision the modem, he called in, and a support person said the modem would not work because it was from DC? Huh? And that it needed to be from VA?! Why should that matter? If the hardware was from the moon it should work! Then they said I could rent a modem from Comacst for $3/month, is that some revenue generating scheme?
--What if I had bought the modem from VA and drove it home to DC, and then drove it back to VA when I moved!!!??? Customer Service said they could indeed provision my old DC modem again, it just needed to be added to my new VA account, and that the technician and dispatcher were wrong. The tech said no, that Customer Service is wrong, and I need to use a Comacst modem. Cus Ser insisted that in 1-3 days the modem would be registered in my new VA account, and would be provisioned, and would work. Tech says no, since it was used in DC, it creates a conflict and will never work. So we used a Comcast modem at $3/month.
--I have no idea what the truth is.
--Comcast should tell people their modem won't work again with Comcast in another state, if they move from one state to another, and want to use an existing Comcast modem!
--Comcast has the worst customer service planet wide.
September 26, 2009
Phanton Debt /Scam
In signed up for Comcast in November 27 of 2008. I ordered extended cable and phone. In late May of 2009 my cable and phone was disconnected from a Comcast employee who mistaken the wrong address. They were suppose to disconnected another person service and instead they left me without a phone and cable for 24 hours.
This person didn't even live in my apartment or closed by in the neighborhood. I called Comcast and they refused to connect my service that very day. Later they said that person lived with me at one time and just moved out in May of 2009. This person doesn't even exist on my lease. I explained this to the representative and she refused to credit me for their mistake. In June they charged me a connection fee for this Comcast's employees mistake of the wrong address.
In April there were numerous billing errors such as pay per view and phone charges that were never authorized in my name.
In May I cancelled pay per view movies where you could only order by phone. No one is left in my home where they can order movies without my permission.
In May I order basic 2 cable for $39.99 a month plus Showtime for $5.00 a month. My promotion was going to end in June from $29.99 a month to $54.00 a month. Comcast is the biggest liar when it comes to promotions. In June I was being charged full price for standard basic 2 cable at $74.00 plus my phone $19.99 a month. In July my bill was $182.00 for one month service. My bill for June was suppose to $84.00 a month.
The Comcast customer service representative told me that they charge one month in advance for payment. Then they changed their story and said that I owed them for $50 for pay per view movies and 411 calls. In May they charged me $154.00 when my bill was only $95.00 and that included with pay per view movies, 411 calls and surcharges and sales tax.
On the billing statement on paper they credited me but when you do the math they never reimburse me for the money that was over charged toward my account. Comcast billing statments are meant confused people in thinking that the billing error corrected when in truth they are being scam.
In August I finally got a hold of someone from the billing department. I been trying to reach someone back in May about Comcast's billing errors. In August the representative from escualtions told me that I owed a debt back in 2004 for $274.00 on my account. That is the reason why $274.00 was added to my account. This was after I filed a complaint in August with the Better Business Bureau. I checked my credit report in August 2009 and no bad mark showed up on the report. The Comcast representative goes on to tell me that someone's stoled my idenity and that I need xyz to clear my name.
There was never a judgement or bad mark from Comcast saying that I owed them $274.00 or any other amount. The next day I filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commision. I called them up about a phantom Comcast debt. I have called Comcast so many time to validate the debt. I even wrote letters and not one Comcast employee could expalin for them overcharging me on the account. They would never explain why the 6 year old debt was never on my credit report.
In addition, they refused to take me to court because they know they would be caught with fraud. I filed a police report against Comast for fraud and idenity theft. The police officer told me it sound like a scam!
The sad part is that Comcast is a monoploy so they can do whatever they please. Please call the Federal Trade Commission and the Better Business Bureau to file complaint against Comcast and maybe we could push them out of business.
Contact me for more info 651-414-9807 or (cell) 612-201-4273
September 23, 2009
Bad Equipment
Comcast installed a Router/Modem unit in my home. The Tech was not able to get it to work on all our computers but most of them. I went with out internet on my desk top for about 8 months. Finally I had a tech from a independent company come out and he was able to get it to work on my desk top. This tech had to come out 4 or 5 times more in the past year because we kept loosing our connections. Comcast told us that we should be able to have up to a 100 wireless items and they should all work fine. I had Comcast out a few more times they changed some wiring all they did was a short time fix. I finally told them to take their Router/Modem back. The tech from Comcast told me that the Router/Modem was junk and after spending some $2, 000.00 I find out that Comcast knew the equipment they gave us was garbage and yet they did nothing to help us. I don't see the logic in this why would a company go through all the expense of sending techs out time after time when they know that their equipment is faulty. I'm not the only person they did this to as a matter of fact it was a person that experienced the same exact thing and he alerted me to the problem with the equipment. I'm going to report them to the better business bureau
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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