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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information Franklin, Tennessee, United States
Comcast Reviews
December 3, 2008
No customer service
I recently moved and called Comcast to transfer my service to my new house. The previous owners told me that they had never had cable and they left their Dish boxes for us to use. Not being a fan of Dish, I chose to stick to Comcast.
I scheduled installation for October 11th and told the CSR that I needed two outlets installed and I could take care of the rest. My house has a full basement with a drop ceiling and installation should not be an issue. The CSR said that cable had been installed in the house in 2005 and there would be no issue. I warned her that the previous owners had been Dish subscribers and never had cable. The previous owners lived in the house 30 years and moved from antennae to Dish.
On my installation day (October 11th) I called back to remind the CSR that this job was a new install and not just turning on service. I spoke with Crystal and she told me that I had no idea what I was talking about and I should leave it to the professionals. She then informed me that my 11AM-2PM appointment was switched to 2-5PM. She again reiterated that cable was installed in 2005 and I was apparently lying about the Dish installation.
The install sub-contractor showed up at 4:45PM, took one look at the job and said, “You have Dish, I can't install cable since you have Dish". I asked for clarification and he said, “You can't run cable signal on a Dish Cable. Cable uses low voltage and Dish uses a different frequency". I asked what voltage had to do with a different frequency ad he said, “You need a grounding rod for cable". I replied, “How lucky, according to Comcast cable was installed in 2005". He said. “There has never been cable installed at this address". He told me I needed to install a grounding rod, and he would reschedule me for 8-11 on Tuesday, because all new installs have to be done during the first appointment. He called dispatch (push to talk) and they confirmed 8-11 on 10-14. I asked him not to leave and I picked up the phone and called Comcast customer service. He said, “I need to fill out your paperwork in the truck and I will be right back". I was going through the prompts on the phone and I heard his truck start up. I walked out of the door and he backed up and took off down the street. When I finally got a live person on the phone, I explained what happened and the guy told me, “Of course you can't install cable over satellite lines". I told him that this was nonsense and I requested to speak with the manager of the lady that called me a liar earlier. He said that he would email the manager and have him call.
To my surprise Crystal called me back and this time she had a major attitude. She asked why I wanted to speak with her supervisor and I gave her the following reasons:
1. You called me a liar.
2. You would not listen when I called earlier to tell you about Dish. Cable was never installed despite what your computer “shows".
3. I am very dissatisfied with the level of customer service I have received.
Crystal told me that I could not speak with her supervisor and that she does not have to listen to what the customer says. She told me that if I would have explained it better she would set it up differently in the system. I asked Crystal how I should have explained it and she told me that I should have said it was a new install. She said that in the system it was set up as a transfer, not a new install. At this point I was frustrated and I asked her to just make it all work. She said, “I am not going to do anything for you!". I hung up the phone on her.
On Tuesday, my 8AM to 11AM appointment turned into an 11AM-2PM appointment. I called to ask why, gave my confirmation number and was told it was better for me to have an 11-2 instead of an 8-11. My wife stayed home to meet the sub-contractor because I had to work. Installation was a nightmare. He ran cable around our house, not under the house (Full basement drop ceiling) and left the cable exposed. He ran another cable through a vent in the eave of the house, but was nice enough to caulk around it. He drilled through our siding and installed a jack into our living room. So, 4 feet off of the ground I have a nice hole in my house with a cable running into it. He left a mess inside and did nothing to clean up. He reused the cable that had been left from the satellite instead of using new cable. The installation was horrible. I was glad he did not drill through my sewage pipe, I guess I am lucky for that. He was also supposed to hook up the Internet while he was there, but he forgot to do that. However, Comcast did not forget to bill me for it. He did run a new cable from the street for the new installation. My kids were outside with my wife playing and my 2 year old found the cable. My wife called Comcast and was told that someone would be out to bury it in 2-5 days. My wife told the CSR that we have underground utilities and they need to call before they dig. The CSR said that this is standard protocol and not to worry (a bit of foreshadowing).
When I arrived home, I surveyed the damage. The installation was poor at best and the cable running around my house (Not from the street) and sticking into the wall looked horrible. The Internet was not hooked up and I had to plug in the AC adapter, split the cable and do it all myself. No big deal. I called to get the Internet working and was told it would take 1-2 days in order to get everything provisioned. I called back with the intent of canceling the whole thing and moving to DirectTV. I went through the prompts and selected cancel service. I spoke with a very nice lady Sandra (OK5 operator number) and she talked me into giving them one more chance. I agreed and I told her that I expected two things. First, I still wanted a call from Crystal's supervisor. Two, if my Internet was not working by Wednesday when I get home from work, I would cancel my service no questions asked.
On Wednesday (10-15) I got home and the Internet was working. Great! Still no call from the supervisor. I did not really expect it to happen. I figured I would give him a couple of days to call.
When I arrived home on Friday (10-17), I picked up the phone to make a call. The phone was dead. I do not use Comcast's phone service, I use another provider. The first thing I did was to check to see if Comcast buried the cable coming from the street, and they did. I suspected that the cable burier's cut the phone line. I called Comcast (cell phone) to see if I could get any information about my issue. I also called our phone company to report the outage. On Saturday 10-18, a Comcast truck pulled up in front of my house. I went outside to meet the person who informed me he was quality control. I told him that I had a couple concerns about the quality and that I was really unhappy with the install and that the cable buriers cut my phone line. He told me that he hears stories like that all of the time. He said, “It doesn't look like your utilities are marked, no wonder they cut your phone". I asked if he could help and he told me that that was not his department. He said, “I am here to just make sure that the cable is grounded properly". He walked to the cable box on the outside of the house, then walked back to his truck and drove away. Two days later the phone repairman came out and had to run a new line from the street because someone had cut our previous phone line. I asked if the utilities had been marked and he said no, they had not been marked. I hope I am not going to get charged from the phone company, but it is likely I will get charged.
I called Comcast back in order to try to get in touch with Sandra. I left a message and she called me back on 10-21. Sandra said she would waive the installation fee, which was still done incorrectly and with which I am still unhappy.
Not once did I ask for a credit and or any money off of my monthly bill. I have just asked that all of this be made right. So far, I have a terrible looking cable install which was done for free. My phone is working again. The cable works as does the Internet. But the installation looks terrible and discounting the install which is supposed to be free is ridiculous.
December 2, 2008
Bad service
Comcast's customer service is beyond useless. We have had Comcast internet and cable TV services for nearly a year now. Internet because they are effectively a monopoly in Frederick County, VA, and cable TV since we had to get the internet.
In under a year we have had numerous issues. Yet it is not so much the issues that are the big issue, rather the extreme and utter lack of the ability to get a hold of anyone via phone at their first (or any other level by phone) line level of service that;
A. appears to be educated much beyond the middle school level or perhaps didn't just step off the bus from the "hood"; and/or
B. speaks English well or does not sound as if their cheeks are stuffed with cotton balls; and/or
C. has any real insight on issues that are known to exist, even via Comcast field level confirmation.
In other words, good luck to anyone wishing to not waste a ton of their time in resolving issues at the first level, ... not that the subsequent levels are any better. Seems to me that no one actually cares, even in their lofty "executive office" level, so get your knee pads out and get ready to genuflect before the almighty and holy Comcast employees!
In fact, with recent issues compounded, the field reps that came to resolve the issue explained to me exactly the opposite of what the first-line people have throughout the year, namely that the behavior of our television was not normal in spite of it having been the norm for nearly an entire year since we had to get service. So once again, yet another data point setting a perfect record of negligence and or complete worthlessness of their front-line "assistance."
As to any actual customer service, the customer service is so far removed from world class that it is more tantamount to second world status if even that quite frankly.
On the heels of that, I have found that the only resolution, whether the matter be small or large, is to have to drive approximately 15 miles to the nearest field office! And keep your praise-matt handy, because they won't give out the phone number there, even when they give you assurances that someone is coming out and they do not as happened yesterday with me, thereby completely wasting my afternoon and costing me valuable time and money.
They apparently have no trouble with me/you taking a hour out of your schedule by having to drive over there, to spend exactly as much time with you if not more because by then you're so pissed off and aggravated that they may have to listen to you vent, justifiably I might add, but for you to not waste your time and call, well, we/they can't have that now, can they.
I mean they can't have lowly peasant customers disturbing the work schedules of their low-end hourly employees even, how much less that anyone any higher than that within the organization and equipped to effectively handle the problem can be contacted within a reasonable amount of time. Forget the fact that I have yet to see either of the ladies in the foyer there look anything but miserable when I walk in never smiling or giving a visual that they are happy to help.
I could write pages, but suffice it to say that;
I am told by a field office rep that I have an appointment, which is confirmed by the Comcast voicemail system upon my calling there, yet the person I finally connect to says that there is no record of any appointment regarding Comcast's no-show;
I find out after the fact on at least two occasions now, that it is not "my equipment" that has errors, but in fact negligence in Comcast installation and boxes brought to us from the onset;
The only way I can effectively get help is to get in my car and in 1960's style customer service, actually drive to a location across the county, in the year 2008;
And when in hindsight and per the techs that just left, the issue now for nearly an entire year since we originated service, largely due to a lack of choice, with Comcast, that has been 1, an incorrect connection on the exterior of the building, and 2, a faulty box that has been problematic for the entire year, WHILE, their 800-COMCAST support has suggested, yea, insisted, that the service we have had is perfectly normal throughout the year,
...well, are there any other reasons, although they exist, to entirely avoid using COMCAST if at all possible.
For Cable TV, check out Dish Network. Since Direct TV's sale years ago, we have found their customer service to have been no better than Comcast's.
For internet, while most cable providers seem to have somewhat a monopoly for all intents and purposes, wireless internet is bursting onto the scene however. Much in the way our cell phones work, so too, internet service is being established and coming online as towers continue to be put up for that purpose. It is certainly available in Frederick County, VA and will be expanding rapidly as well there.
While the cost is competitive, the service providers appear to be local thereby setting yourself up for the avoidance of the problems that I and others continue to experience with Comcast. The person providing you with customer service will likely be the local business owners or someone reporting directly to them. No doubt, if you have major issues, unlike the inability to even get a hold of someone at Comcast with a reasonable degree of cognizance as well as comprehension of English such that you don't have to repeat yourself a half-dozen times to no avail, you should be able to get to "the top" of your local wireless ISP with relative ease should the issues, customer service or technical, run beyond the routine.
Sattelite options for service exist, but if one is DirectWay from Direct TV, then no thanks. Not too sure about others.
I highly recommend one of those options first and foremost!
December 1, 2008
Scam and cheating
Hurricane IKE, Comcast is valuing their Electronic Boxes that are required and provided by Comcast at over 400.00 each. These used boxes can not have a fair market value of what they are claiming. They are instructing their customers to claim these units at an inflated price on their Homeowners Insurance and paying the inflated claim to Comcast. This is insurance fraud. Every single person that has been told to do this should file a claim with the FCC. I hope someone flies a Class Action lawsuit against Comcast and puts these rip-off artist in Jail.
November 26, 2008
Scam and cheating
I am a person with a severe disability. My disability leaves me without family and friends to speak of (or with). I sometimes don't hear my own voice for days. So, my TV is an absolute necessity to help maintain my sanity. Comcast has no regard for their low-income customers. And these customers probably make up a good portion of their customer base. I have Comcast's basic analog service at $56.95/month. I live on $650/month, and this cost of cable is a hardship, but again, a necessary one. Of course, I've had to consider limited basic and even antenna TV, but I could not live with the limited choice of channels. As it is, the number of channels worth watching on my basic cable service is shamefully few.
Cable TV should not be a 'luxury' when the alternatives are often not satisfactory. I did begin the process of switching to DirecTV, but canceled the installation when I was charged $149 for equipment before the installers were even due to arrive at my apartment. They should not charge for equipment when it isn't yet determined if I could receive a good signal at my location. I've since read way too many horror stories online about the poor business practices of the two satellite dish companies to risk monetary loss, poor installation, or poor service.
No other options such as FiOS or XOHM seem to be available in my area, not that I could afford those services either. So, as a monopoly would happily have it, I am stuck with Comcast, and their inconceivable prices which they plan to increase yet again. Notice that if you take away the letters, 'c', 'o', and 't' from the word Comcast, what remains are the letters that make up the word 'scam'... Keep in mind that the definitions of 'scam' are: A fraudulent business scheme; a stratagem for gain; a swindle.
Comcast's business practices often fit that definition. Their 'scam' would seem to be cleverly disguised by adding three letters to their name.
November 20, 2008
Awful service and attitude
I am a person with a severe disability. My disability leaves me without family and friends to speak of (or with). I sometimes don't hear my own voice for days. So, my TV is an absolute necessity to help maintain my sanity. Comcast has no regard for their low-income customers. And these customers probably make up a good portion of their customer base. I have Comcast's basic analog service at $56.95/month. I live on $650/month, and this cost of cable is a hardship, but again, a necessary one. Of course, I've had to consider limited basic and even antenna TV, but I could not live with the limited choice of channels. As it is, the number of channels worth watching on my basic cable service is shamefully few.
Cable TV should not be a 'luxury' when the alternatives are often not satisfactory. I did begin the process of switching to DirecTV, but canceled the installation when I was charged $149 for equipment before the installers were even due to arrive at my apartment. They should not charge for equipment when it isn't yet determined if I could receive a good signal at my location. I've since read way too many horror stories online about the poor business practices of the two satellite dish companies to risk monetary loss, poor installation, or poor service.
No other options such as FiOS or XOHM seem to be available in my area, not that I could afford those services either. So, as a monopoly would happily have it, I am stuck with Comcast, and their inconceivable prices which they plan to increase yet again.
Notice that if you take away the letters, 'c', 'o', and 't' from the word Comcast, what remains are the letters that make up the word 'scam'... Keep in mind that the definitions of 'scam' are: A fraudulent business scheme; a stratagem for gain; a swindle.
Comcast's business practices often fit that definition. Their 'scam' would seem to be cleverly disguised by adding three letters to their name.
November 15, 2008
I returned my comcast equipment payed my bill and closed the account to be charged a year later for not doing such for $805.52. I'm apparently not the only person this has happened too. Good job.
November 12, 2008
Never ever with comcast again. I have a comcast internet and cable connection and since I am moving out of my current apartment, I wanted to cancel the connection. I called Customer care at 6:55 and the women on the other line was the most rude person I have ever encountered. I am an immigrant and do have an accent. The moment the customer care agent realised this she was rude. When I told her that I needed to cancel the connection, she asked me for the amount for the last two payment cycles. I promptly answered and then she asked me for the last two dates of the payment. When I told her, why she wants that when I am calling from the comcast registered number, she was very rude. I asked her to speak to her manager to which she said that the Manager is not around. I had been having good customer service with comcast until this instance. My new apartment would no longer have comcast as I dont want to deal with such customer care agents who think we are free loader. Sadly I could not get her name, else I would have posted it here...
I hope COMCAST GOES BANKRUPT...Their loss is Verizon's gain
November 5, 2008
Scam and cheating
I was a loyal customer of the company that was in charge before Comcast bought them out. The prices that Patriot Media charged were more then reasonable and I was more then happy with the service. I was paying a good price for the 4 star package. When Comcast took over it seemed to be going well at first. Then within a few months my cable bill was jacked up to over 300.00 dollars. Granted I was past due at the time, but I had just made a payment when I received this bill.
When i called then to complain about the amount of my bill, they told me that I had agreed to that increase after a few months on a promotion price that was only temporary. I had never agreed to anything, nor would i have agreed to that increase. Not only that but Comcast customer service is beyond awful. Most of the reps I have talked to there have been rude and not very helpful.
At the present time I am still with Comcast because I don't have a choice at the present time. I also thought I could get some sort of deal on internet service with them due to the fact that I was paying so much for cable service, but no when i called they wanted to charge me a fortune, so I went with someone else.
If you can go with someone else I would try and do so, before this company empties your pockets.
November 4, 2008
Poor service
I have been without internet service for 10 days. they told me that I had to wait for 5 days to get a technician. I waited all day. they called me via a machine 5 times to say that my technician was coming. no one showed up. they then said that they would reschedule me for two days from then. I waited 9 more hours only to be told at the end of the day that they only have one technician and he does not know anything about internet service, so it would not do any good for him to show up.
I was then rescheduled for a third time and once again, my time slow of 10-1 has come and gone without anyone showing up. I have called them two times today and both times I was told that a supervisor would call back. They did not. I have now been told that they had to change my appointment because the technician is too busy today. it is not surprizing that their technicians are so busy with a company that continually has service interruptions!!! NO ONE should have Comcast if service matters!! Every person I talk to promises to call back and the only one who did was Fred, who called back to say that could not make it out and there was nothing he could do. Darnel absolutely promised they would come to my house first today because he could see how many calls there had been and that they had not showed up for their first two appointments. I plan to file complaints with every possible source including ICC, FCC and Better Business Bureau, plus any comparable sites. I am outraged at the way I have been treated.To add insult to injury, yesterday I got my comcast bill and they have increased my rates. So, the ATT commercials are correct when they say beware of companies that like Comcast who take your rates up after you are with them. I wish I would have checked for compliants before I got Comcast. Now that I am checking there are hundreds of complaints, all for the same thing. the lack of service with this company.
November 4, 2008
Bad service
We have ongoing problems with digital tiling and crummy audio. We have called, e-mailed, had techs out many times. They cannot fix the problem. Does anyone else have this problem. We pay $88 a month for cable without any premium channels. We are sick of it.
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