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Comcast Reviews

disillusioned customer March 31, 2011
an unending nightmare of a company
Comcast is stealing from consumers and their needs to be a lawsuit against them for all the bogus charges. I'm being nickel and dimed to death out of my money! My internet signal keeps going off and on for the past two months and they are charging me for modem rental when I own my own modem.
Sickntired313 March 31, 2011
I find it very rude how the contractors just walk on your property to hook up someone elses cable without your consent. These contractors could get hurt because some people don't take Trespassing too lightly.
kronstadt2 March 26, 2011
Billing problems
I will repost what I just posted in Comcast own forum...

I have been a Comcast customer for a number of years. I have always used automatic payment as I find that most convienent. Last Novemeber the bank card number I had been using for the automatic payment had to be changed as someone had made fraudlent charges on that bank card. Once I had the new card I promptly changed all my accounts that were setup with automatic payment - Verizon cell phone service,, Paypal, etc. Including my Comcast automatic payment. All the others were easy to change and I had no problems. I was out of town for most of December and January. I return in mid Janurary to find my service was cut off and I was months past due on my payments. It seems Comcast was trying to bill my old bank card number still. I called, talked with relatively friendly and helpful people, paid off the balance and went online, and entered the new account information again. As of yesterday, March 25th, I was cut off once again. Same problem. This time I was pretty upset. How many times do I have to provide Comcast my correct information before it is correctly updated in their system. And this time I did not speak with anyone who was helpful. Most of my conversations (and my wife's) today were with a Veronica 0608. She insisted she was the highest level superviser I could deal with. All I was requesting was that I pay the overdue amount, and that they drop the late fees and verify they have the correct account information so this doesn't happen again. She refused both requests. I repeatedly explained that I was really frustrated with this situation and was considering canceling my account over it. Still, she refused to be of any assistance. It was like talking to a robot, just repeating the same answers in a mono-tone, hard to understand voice. I finally gave up. My wife called back very upset. Since she is primarly a Spanish speaker and has a hard time communicating some things in English, she asked for a Spanish speaking supervisor. It seems we ended with the same supervisor and the same refusal to assist us. Since my wife and I both work from home, and need our internet connection, we had no choice to pay the fees once again.

I see three major problems with Comcast...

1. On the web, the auotmatic bill payment setup does not allow you to easily view what account is currently in the system and if it is the correct information.
2. According to Veronica 0608 and others we have communicated with a Comcast, the system can take up to 3 MONTHS!!! to update with the new billing information, meaning in the mean time they will keep trying to bill the old account (bank card).
3. The customer service people on the phone can not look at our account information to verify if it is correct or not.

I don't have these problems with any other company I deal with - Verizon, Comed, People's Gas, Amazon, all of them make it much easier to update account information.

I would like Comcast to re-imburse my late fees and straighten out this billing problem so it is not the same story every couple months. I would also like someone to communicate with Veronica 0608 that there is a right and wrong way to handle customers with legimate problems. I recently called Verizon a few times to make changes to my account with them. They were incredible pleasant and even suggested ways to reduce my bill I wasn't even aware of. I was so impressed. And their customer service agents were easy to understand and quite pleasant. I have had better experince with Comcast in this regard in the past as well, but not this time.

Lastly, I have not complained in the past about this but frequently at night I loose my Internat connection. It usualy happens late a night and so I haven't made a big deal about it. But given the problems I am now having with billing, My wife and I are researching other providers and will likely drop our account once we know we can get another service setup.
my2weimers March 25, 2011
billing problems
Comcast complaint

One consistent theme of Comcast is that no one ever does what they promise you will be done and no one ever calls back to follow up!!

We decided to get Comcast service for the first time when moving from Kansas to Indiana in November, 2010. My wife has a brother who works for Comcast and our landlord also has family working for Comcast. Therefore, we began this experience with a positive outlook about the company.

We ordered Comcast's Double Play – Phone and Internet service package for $39.99/month. This was ordered online on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 at 12:56 p.m. Our confirmation shows Bridgevine Order Number:ap-244761. We have a printed copy of this. Our Order Reference Number was: 427915292 and our Account Number was: 017273130735. Installation was scheduled for Monday, November 22, 2010, between 1-5 p.m. Ticket Number was: CR228438974.

Service was installed on time and worked fine; for exactly one week! The installation man would install only one connection for our whole home. We had a phone and two computers hooked up to it, a desktop and a laptop. On the afternoon of the next Monday, November 29, the laptop started receiving a message that Comcast was having problems connecting with it. Then began a series of trying to seek correction of this Comcast problem, beginning with online assistance and then many phone calls to their tech support. Everyone I spoke with was polite; they just were all lacking any ability to correct the problem. They would tell me they had to send it to more technical staff within Comcast and that they would then contact me. No one would allow me to actually speak with a more technical person and I was never called back by anyone! After almost two weeks of this, I thought the problem might be with my laptop, although the messages from Comcast online always said they were having problems connecting. I wiped the computer memory clean and reloaded everything back onto it. I got the same exact message from Comcast. A friend has AT&T Internet service, so I took my laptop there to see if it would work on AT&T. It worked immediately from first plugging it in! At this point, I decided to switch to AT&T. Even though the same service was more expensive with AT&T, at least it worked. I terminated Comcast service, effective Monday, December 20. Since it was still within the Comcast 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee, I was told that I would receive a full refund of the $98.29 I had already paid. This first bill that I'd paid billed me $47.20 for monthly service, instead of the $39.99 that I had ordered!

When AT&T was here to hook up their service, they informed me that Comcast had cut all of the AT&T lines which had been in the house, running service to every room. Comcast uses totally different types of lines, going to a different location, and there was no legal reason for them to cut the AT&T lines. In fact, it was a criminal action!

On Tuesday, December 21, at 10:35 a.m.; I spoke with Sheila at Comcast. She issued a work order, number 002344563, for Comcast to repair the cut AT&T lines; agreeing that the lines should not have been cut! She told me that a Mike 'Estes' (spelling?) at the Anderson Comcast office would be contacting me to get it fixed. His phone number was given as 765-622-2914. He left one voice mail message for me and has not returned any on the messages I have left for him! She told me that I would receive the full refund check within 4 to 6 weeks. This guaranteeing of the refund to be in the mail within 4 to 6 weeks is a habit of Comcast, a delaying tactic that they used with me every month. They can issue bills promptly, but seem unable or unwilling to issue refund checks! At 3:45 p.m. that same day I returned the Comcast modem and power cord to their office at 335 E. 10th Street, Anderson, Indiana.

On Wednesday, January 12, 2011, at 3:53 p.m., after receiving another bill from Comcast, I called them and spoke with Jackie, employee # 6421 in North Carolina. She told me that their records did show that I had returned the modem for which they were billing me and that I should ignore the current bill. The 'final bill' should be received by me 4-6 weeks after December 21, 2010. Then the 'refund check' should be received by me 4 weeks after that. She said they would follow up on the damage claim. No one had contacted me to repair their damage.

I next received another bill from Comcast, showing current account activity through January 14, 2011, adding more money due! It was charging me $70.14 for 'unreturned equipment'!!!. On Friday, January 21, I received a COLLECTION ACTIVITY ALERT from Comcast, dated January 18, for the full amount of the bill dated January 14. After only 4 days from issuing a bill, they sent the COLLECTION ACTIVITY ALERT for the amount of $119.29!

On Thursday, January 27, 2011 at 1:54 p.m. I called Comcast and ended up speaking with Dan, employee number 86907 from Fort Wayne. He was nice, polite and assured me he would take care of everything and that I'd receive the refund check in 4 weeks. However, the only thing that actually got changed was to show the return of their modem!

On February 14, Comcast billed me for $49.29 (monthly service charge, including tax)! I had terminated service two months prior and they still owed me the refund of $98.29. But, instead of refunding me, they were still charging me more!!!

On Wednesday February 22, at 4:18 p.m., I called Comcast again and spoke with Clint, employee # 86118 in Indianapolis, and his supervisor Stacia. They reassured me that I would actually get the refund check in 4 weeks, saying they could not expedite it despite its long delay. They also issued a new work order to repair my cut AT&T lines, # 002465355.

On Saturday, February 26, I received another COLLECTION ACTIVITY ALERT for the new amount of $49.29. Now, on Tuesday, March 22, I received a COLLECTION NOTICE from a collection company trying to collect this $49.29 for Comcast!

I still have not received my refund check, many months promised and far past due, while Comcast still tries to collect unjustified charges! Plus, they are ruining my good credit rating!!!

Can anyone help me with this monster?
fronco March 25, 2011
I have that triple play they sold me and i was happy with it at first but then when they said about that xfinity and all the shows on your pc well that was a bunch of crap because for most shows 80 persent of them they want 3 dollars to see this 2 dollars to see that so where is my exfinity come in at. and all these discouraging codes you got to put in, and then i have all these spanish channels what am i going to do with that i don't undestand spanish, and all those private tv commercials, whats up with that .Comcast is a big discouragement in my house and im thinking about just getting the old rabbit ears out or just wait for a better deal from some other then Comcast.
cynamynstix March 18, 2011
Installation & Customer Service
I ordered online - BIG MISTAKE! Not only did the representative screw up, but once a supervisor "smoothed" me over to keep me as a potential customer, the rep he passed me back to STILL screwed up my INSTALL date! I called 7 times and everytime I got a supervisor, I was either hung up on during holds or transfered to the automated service. This is HORRIBLE for a potential customer! I can STILL change my mind and choose AT&T or DISH network! Hopefully the only nice person in Customer Service will get my Ticket number 1796055 approved for latest appointment today for installation. If not - I will cancel my order tomorrow morning and call the competition.
Durian March 17, 2011
My life has been a time wasted nightmare since I signed up for Comcast's Triple Play
I too signed up for Comcast's Triple Play.

My life has been a time wasted nightmare since then. Appointments for service not kept, the worst website (to supposedly access your own account information) ever designed and a bunch of zombies on the phone who say nice things and then do NOT resolve the (many) issues. Hours are wasted in the past 3 months. No solutions.

Latest example: I had made an appointment with their tech folks for the one day a week (Sunday) when my girlfriend and I were home so that all of our issues could be addressed. Waited for 2 hours; they did not show.

As it turns out the idiot tech guy had called a phone number that he had -- but that we do NOT monitor -- to "confirm" that we were there. We never got that call, we assumed the appointment was on and were never told that we must ALSO be there the day of to answer a call from the supposedly en route tech person.

Five calls from me (plus an hour long futile "Chat session") later they still refused to send the tech guy out (even though our day was shot with these bumbling idiots anyway).

I'm done with them after our "promotional" services end and I'd advise you all to find an alternative, any alternative to them. They'll set you up and then will DEFINITELY let you down.
middle class victim March 17, 2011
Illegal billing practices/monopoly
Comcast charges for items you have not yet used and please check your bills carefully. When I started checking mine I found that I was double billed for the items that was supposed to be bundled and when transferring service for phone to them, they passed my number as a newly built home to advertisers and then when they were called on it told me to stop it would charge me 15.00, however the calls just keep on coming day and night. Should this not be in the contract initially when setting up the tranfer of phone services. They have become a monopoly in our area because we do not have a choice and is that what the FCC was supposed to be regulating. Someone should do an investigation on their billing practices because something stinks in Comcast!
American complainer March 17, 2011
Bad customer service
I have Comcast and I have noticed that my bill continually goes up. When I called I called the local 973 number. As I was speaking with the customer service rep, I realized that she seemed to read from a script. She could not answer any of my questions and instead kept advising me that my payment was due. She then advised me that she was in the Bahamas!!! This pissed me off. Here in America we have a high unemployment rate, people dying for jobs and jobs are being outsourced to people in the Bahamas and I called today and the guy was in the Dominican Republic!!! I am canceling as many of my services as I can. This is pitiful and shameful of Comcast to outsource these jobs when Americans are losing jobs and praying for employment. I never saw anything like this in my whole life.
eltucumano March 17, 2011
unauthorized withdrawn money from my checking account
I suscribed to COMCAST for a $99.00 per month deal which included cable, phone and internet. Without further notice, my service charges went up to $250.00 per month (same product) and money was being withdrawn from my debit card (required at the moment of suscription) without my authorization. Simply barbaric and fraudulent.

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