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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information Franklin, Tennessee, United States
Comcast Reviews
July 18, 2008
Cannot access email 50% of the time
I have had Comcast internet service for several years and had been fairly happy with it. However over the past 6 months or so it has become increasingly more difficult to access my email via their website.
Approximately 50% of the time that I attempt to access email, I receive a message saying "Log in failed." And with increasing frequency, I receive the same message while I am reading my email. It simply cuts out and it is hours before I am able to log back into their website.
I have made repeated calls to Comcast and spent hours with their techs to no avail. In fact, the more I complain about this problem, the worse it gets.
Their customer service is all but nonexistent. They will not even admit this problem exists! I am so frustrated I am considering getting rid of Comcast altogether. I no longer use their phone service because of poor customer service.
And the internet is full of customers saying exactly the same thing I'm saying. Evidently, they don't really give a ***.
July 18, 2008
Bad service
After signing up for an account with comcast for 6 months at prorated amount, I moved and had to reestablish service. When I called to move service, the sales rep offer to extend out the 6 month offer to a full year because I would have to pay a reconnect fee.
However after the first 6 months at the new location, my bill went to the normal rate. After 3 calls, one email, and one internet chat session, they were unwilling to negotiate in any manner.
July 15, 2008
Comcast won't cancel our service!
I was unhappy with Comcast and switched over to RCN starting June 20 (along with our phone number). On the day that our service was switched over, I returned all the equipment and called Comcast to cancel our service.
To my surprise, Comcast would not cancel our service, saying that there is a "open work order" on the account. It has been 3 weeks now and there is still a work order on it and we are unable to cancel, while getting billed for the service. Although Comcast says that they will predate the service end date so that we will not be charged, on paper I am still being charged. I don't want to pay but am worried about it affecting my credit score. (I am guessing this is why they are doing this!)
I don't know why I cannot just cancel my service since I am not the one requesting anything requiring a work order.
July 14, 2008
Customer treat
I made a phone call to a Comcast Customer Service Representative named Patricia at extension 2521, at around 1:00 pm on 4 April 2008. This call was recorded, and it is very important that you listen to this phone call because during this call, Patricia made me an offer for a specific service for a specific price. Later, Comcast tried to make me pay for additional charges that were not included in the original price quote and terms given to me by Patricia, which I agreed to, on 4 April 2008. I have tried multiple times to resolve this dispute with various supervisors of the local Comcast office, but they refuse to honor the original price quote.
During the phone call I made to Comcast on 4 April 2008, Patricia at extension 2521, offered me a combination of cable TV, internet and phone service, something Comcast calls �Triple Play�, for $99.00 per month for one year. I asked Patricia specifically how much the price would be after the first twelve months, and she said the price would go up to $127.00 per month, after those first 12 months. I asked her specifically if there were any other fees or charges, and she said no. Patricia offered to waive the installation fee or start-up fee or activation fee (whatever Comcast calls it now) of $29.99 if I agreed to the terms and price Patricia quoted right then and there. I agreed to those terms and the price she quoted of $99.00 per month for the first twelve months. All these details are on the recorded phone call I made to Comcast on 4 April 2008.
Comcast sent an installer named Alex to my home on 11 April 2008. Alex mentioned that there would be a $3.00 monthly rental fee for the modem, which was required. Because this information contradicted what Patricia had told me, I called Comcast while Alex was doing the installation. I spoke with Mary at extension 2853, and she directed me to the Comcast website, where I read that the Triple Play offer is for new customers only, and I had already had the cable TV and internet service. I asked Mary about this and she told me that Comcast considered me a new customer because I was going to get the phone service for the first time from Comcast. I was very happy to learn that Comcast was offering phone service now because we were dissatisfied with Qwest. I asked Mary about where the term and conditions on the Comcast website Triple Play say that the Triple Play offer ended on February 3, 2008, and Mary told me that the website had old information since the radio ads were in April. I asked her about the $3.00 modem rental, and she told me that I simply had to pay it. I asked for her supervisor, and Mary put my call on hold and never returned to the line.
I called Comcast again and asked to speak to a supervisor. This time I spoke to a supervisor named Jamie at extension 6073. Jamie put me on hold and listened to my original call to Patricia, and when she came back to the line, Jamie offered me one month�s credit of the $3.00 modem fee. I asked Jamie how much the price would be after the first twelve months of Triple Play at $99.00 and after doing some math, Jamie gave me three conflicting answers: $129.71, around $135.00 and finally, $136.00. I asked Jamie to do the right thing and she said she would ask her supervisor if Comcast could give me the prices and terms Patricia had originally quoted me. Later the same day, I spoke with Jamie again, when she increased the offer to three month�s credit for the $3.00 modem rental charge, per her supervisor Angela at extension 6576, and whom Jamie said had also listened to the call I made to Patricia on 4 April 08.
At that time, I also told Jamie that Alex the Comcast technician had left my home without telling me and he also failed to complete the installation. I had walked into my garage, and saw that Alex had simply left without notifying me or giving me any explanation, the Comcast van was gone, and my garage door had been open and unguarded for an unknown period of time. Alex was unbelievably irresponsible for not telling me that he was walking off the job and leaving my garage door open.
The installation date had to be changed first to 15 April, then to 16 April 2008.
I called Comcast on 14 April, and spoke to Jamie again. This time she told me that her supervisor Angela had changed the offer to a twelve-month credit for the $3.00 modem charge in the form of a $36.00 one-time credit on my first bill. I asked Jamie to ask her supervisor Angela at extension 6576 to call me back, or Angela�s supervisor. Jamie told me that one of the supervisors would call me at home at 6:00 pm that same day. I asked Jamie to make sure that the original conversation with Patricia on 4 April 2008 not be erased because that has all the details of our agreement on it. I asked to listen to that call, but Jamie refused my request. I told Jamie that Comcast should not charge me for the modem rental ever, not just for one month or three month or twelve months, but never, because I never agreed to pay a modem fee during the original phone call and that Patricia never mentioned a modem rental fee during that call. Jamie said that that was the best Comcast could offer me.
Jamie tried to say that the conversation I had with Patricia was not legally binding because Comcast does not have contracts. My response was that Patricia made me a verbal offer for services, Triple Play, for a specific price of $99.00 per month for the first twelve months, then $127.00 afterward, she said that there were no other charges or fees and she agreed to waive the activation fee and that I agreed to those terms. This verbal agreement is legally binding and enforceable. The phone conversation was recorded and both supervisors Jamie and Angela told me that they heard the call and that Patricia did not give me complete information.
Between 9:00 pm and 9:30 pm that night, while we were asleep, someone from Comcast named Chris called our house. He was interested in talking about my dispute, but I was angry that he would be so rude as to call us at such a late hour. Chris said he would call me again the next afternoon, (15 April) but he never did.
The morning of 15 April 2008, I called Comcast and left a voicemail message for Scott Westerman, the Vice President of the Albuquerque Comcast. He never returned my call.
On 16 April 2008, Comcast technicians John and Alan completed the installation.
On 18 April 2008 I called Scott Westerman�s office again, and reached Lynn Sabo, his executive assistant. She said that she would investigate my complaint and call me back. Lynn Sabo called me back and told me that the $36.00 credit was all I was going to get from Comcast, no matter what Patricia had quoted me. She refused my request to speak with Scott Westerman.
On 21 April, I spoke with the supervisor Angela, at extension 6576. She claimed that she had never received any of the multiple requests I had made for her to return my calls. She would only give me a credit for one year of modem rental, no matter what Patricia and I had agreed upon. Angela outlined the extra per month charges as such: Taxes of $7.30, Peg fee $0.44, franchise fee $1.93, User fee $0.06, gross receipts tax $4.87. These are all over and above the $99.00 monthly fee quoted me by Patricia on 4 April 2008, but I don�t know if those fees and taxes are based on $99.00 or $102.00, which is what the total would be if the $3.00 monthly modem fee was included. I am not going to pay taxes and fees on a monthly modem charge that I did not agree to pay in the first place. Although she admitted that Patricia did not give me correct information, that Patricia and I made an agreement for service at a specific price, and that she understood how I felt, she would not do any more to correct the problem.
I have three unresolved points of dispute with Comcast, for which I am requesting your assistance.
1. During the original phone call of 4 April 2008 with Patricia, I agreed to pay $99.00 per month for the first twelve months of Triple Play service. Comcast insists that I pay the extra fees and taxes outlined above, regardless if they are based on the inclusion of the $3.00 modem rental fee that I never agreed to pay. I am asking Comcast to be honest with its customers.
2. During the original call, Patricia stated that after the first twelve months, the price for Triple Play would be $127.00 per month. Neither the supervisor Jamie, at extension 6073, nor supervisor Angela, at extension 6576, could give me a definite price for the Triple Play service after the twelve-month promotion period, but both of them were certain that it was higher than the price Patricia quoted me. I am willing to pay only the price I agreed to on 4 April 2008. I would like Comcast to honor its promises.
3. I will not pay any modem rental fee that I did not agree to pay during our original conversation on 4 April 2008. Comcast can not change the terms of the agreement after the fact, even if the Comcast representative made a mistake. Comcast has credited my account $36.00, which equals the $3.00 fee for twelve months. I am not willing to pay a modem rental fee, period, even after the twelve months. I didn�t even know that a modem was required until Alex the technician showed up at my house with it. Patricia never mentioned a modem fee during the initial conversation, so I will not pay for it. I am asking Comcast to be fair.
I have made several good faith attempts to resolve my disputes with Comcast supervisors and even the Vice President of the local Comcast, who ignored my call. I now am trying to let everyone in your broadcast area know how Comcast treats their customers.
July 11, 2008
Problems with billing
This is an email I sent to Comcast: I am extremely disappointed and frustrated with Comcast's service. I placed an order last month through the internet. I ordered digital preferred with HBO for 39.99/month for six months and high speed internet for 19.99/month for six months. The installation fee was 29.99. I did not receieve an email confirmation so I called the office and the rep confirmed the rates for me. These rates are STILL on your website. I paid the technician 92.93 after installation for installation and first month's charges as the rep told me I had to. This was on 06/08/2008. I just received a statement yesterday with completely different rates and was charged again for JUNE-JULY and for July-August. The rates are the normal rates. To solve the issue, I first contacted my local office at 202-635-5100. After half an hour, I was told by both the representative and the supervisor that since I ordered this online, it could only be solved online through a customer service rep as they did not have the codes for internet promos. They could not even provide me with a phone number to contact for online support. So I got on the internet and signed onto your chat system. I spoke with a representative for nearly an hour only to be told that they too do not have the necessary codes and I would have to contact my local office. I told her MANY times that I ALREADY called my local office and they were of no help. The chat rep insisted, however, that I call my local office as they would be the only ones that could help me. I was given this number: 301-424-4400. The chat rep was completely UNHELPFUL. I have a print out of the transcript. I then called this number to be told the same thing, that this could only be solved online because the local office does not have access to internet promo codes. This promo has not expired. IT IS ON YOUR CURRENT WEBSITE. I do not understand how it is possible that no one has the codes for CURRENT promos. Are you just lying about these promos then? I was told by the local office to go to the local payment center with a copy of my work order as proof that I had in fact ordered those rates. Everyone has been USELESS and unable to help me. It is ridiculous for a company of Comcast's caliber to not have a copy of my work order for a rep to pull up. It is further unacceptable for the company to not have an account of what my 92.93 was for. All the reps told me that while they saw I had paid 92.93, they had absolutely no idea what it was for. I have wasted nearly 2 hours this morning trying to resolve this with absolutely no progress. Now I have to go home to get the work order during my lunch break, come back to work, then take the bus and train to go to the payment center with the HOPE that it MAY be solved, no guarantees. This is the first time, I am having to go to an office to resolve a billing issue. This is unacceptable. IS THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO? WHY DOESN'T ANYONE HAVE CODES THAT YOU ADVERTISE ON YOUR WEBSITE? I AM MOST LIKELY GOING TO CANCEL COMCAST, BUT NOT BEFORE THIS ISSUE IS RESOLVED TO MY SATISFACTION.
July 9, 2008
They have the worst call centers
Comcast has a commercial that says Comcast cares about their customers that is a lie. The CEO and employees know they have corner on the market. We have to tolerate their rude customer service. I got pick up a DVR box and they were none available. I told to make a second trip. The lines at the service centre are very long. I have a bad back. I will have to wait in line or call a lazy not on time tech. How do we get our congress to deregulate these suckers? Memphis customer service the worst. I call the corporate office got no help.
July 9, 2008
Unacceptable service
Comcast has been running TV ads stating since you have Comcast cable you will not have to worry when Broadcast stations go to digital in Feb 2009. You will not have to do anything. Problem is that Comcast is also shutting down their analog cable service in Feb also. So your TV, new or old, will not work. You will have to subscribe to Comcast digital cable (more $$) and rent a Comcast Digital cable Box for each TV (more $$). If you have Comcast cable, I suggest that each and everyone of you contact your local comcast office to confirm and file a complaint with your states Consumer Protection Office ASAP. I smell a class action lawsuit.
June 20, 2008
Fraudulent services
I’m a disabling woman and my only income is the SSI, I’m feeling distress because Mass electric company don’t send me the monthly bill, to know how much I’m spending in electricity every month. No matter that I do not get a monthly bill in my mail I am sending to the electric company $100.00 0r $200.00 monthly. This situation has been occurring during one year or more, paying my electric bills without a bill, and using only my number account. Past month I receive a bill from the electric company threatening to disconnect my electric services because I ought more that $1, 000.00. I got shock because I was sending monthly payments. I called the company and I gave them the numeration of the payments that I did during one year, because I was sending the payment by western union. The company told me that they receive the payments, but still I ought more than a thousand dollars. I was shocked, because I do not have a business. The company wanted that I send $600.00 to avoid disconnection, so I had to borrow three hundred dollars and I send it immediately to the company with a letter telling them that I did not had more money. They agreed, but the following month I did not get the electric bill, but I went to pay and I send $100.00. At two weeks, I got another threatening notice from Mass electric telling that they will disconnect my services. I was scared because I suffer lupus systematic and cardiac problems, I cannot tolerate the heat and it summer time. I called the company, I plead to do no shut my electric services, and they told me to send $200.00 to avoid disconnection. I had to borrow money and to send it immediately. It was pass week and yesterday I received a electric bill and the amount is almost $900.00. I do not understand, I do not have a business, I paid $300.00 this month, I paid $300.00 past month, and I paid $100.00 and $200.00 monthly during one consecutively year. I cannot understand what’s going on. Comcast Company is doing the same, they do not send the monthly bills and then they disconnect the services alluding that I ought too much. I only have regular cable services, and I am paying $100.00 monthly to Comcast and I had the proof because I send my payments by western union. I paid this month $100.00 to Comcast and they turn off my services. Those companies are working wrong; they are taking chances from the poorest. It is abusive, and the government needs to take action. It is the duty of the government to protect the poorest rights.
June 17, 2008
They left a wire across three lawns
Comcast was supposed to get my internet started, only the technician left a wire running down my lawn, across my driveway, and then across the driveways of my 3 neighbours, and finally ending at a box at the end of our row of town homes.
Not only that, but the internet still doesn't work, and I spent over an hour on the phone with them. I was assured that in 24 hours it would be working and the wire would be gone, but it's been 2 days and neither has happened. My neighbours are starting to get angry, and Comcast won't do anything about it. Who would leave a wire laying on multiple lawns and driveways and think that is ok??!?!
June 17, 2008
Worst customer service ever
I called Comcast to find out about getting a HD cable box and turning in my digital box. They asked my telephone number. They said take the box to my local service centre. I took vacation time off from work went home and disconnected the box. When I walked into the centre, the counter person laughed out loud. Oh we don't have any HD boxes we are out. But you can get a recorder box for an additional $6 per Mo. Another Comcast bait and switch I can't wait for FIOS so I can cancel these sleazy jerks.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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