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Comcast Reviews

June 17, 2008
Loss of wages due to Comcast
My girlfriend, Judith Lamb, has been refused contact with customer service supervisors. Her service was disconnected accidentally by a COMCAST service person. She called and a representative restarted her service, however, her high speed internet was not connected as well as she was charged as if she was being connected for the first time. Every time she calls now, she is put on hold and then disconnected and refused service. As I am a Comcast customer as well, I think it is totally unacceptable that she was refused contact with a supervisor. She cares for a woman and it puts strain on her schedule to take days off waiting for a Comcast technician that doesn't show up - as was the case today (6/12/2008). Judith also takes classes online and not having internet access is affecting her class performance. Judith's 9-year old son has a brain disease called Chiari Malformation and utilizes the internet to feverishly research the disease and any experts that may be available to help in the treatment of her son. Bottom line, I would like Rick Germano - SVP COMCAST customer support, to contact Judith personally and please re-assure her that this issue will be resolved and the process of rectifying her service and faith that her voice as a COMCAST customer will be heard. I would like to know if there is any legal recourse she can take to offset her loss of pay as a result of waiting for a Comcast service representative who does not show up to rectify her service.

Damage Resulting

Loss of wages due to the COMCAST service person not showing up as promised. Inability to seek additional resources towards the treatment of her child with a brain disorder, Chiari Malformation. Inability to participate in ONLINE courses for schooling she has enrolled and paid for.
June 16, 2008
comcast is full of it i recently filled out a new service request with comcast. thay have a deal for new customers that order service online get a rebate in the mail for $150.00 i ordered online and was told by a rep tha ti had to go to a servoce center and show them my lease also so i did. well since i went to the service center and showed them my lease they finished the order there well since i didnt do it at home and they did it instead they now say i dont qualify so beware of this scam by comcast.
June 13, 2008
Worst customer service
I have never been able to get Comcast to fix problems with my cable TV and internet. They have missed several service calls and when they do come out they don't fix the problems. Comcast customer service is a joke. You go through a telephone maze and then they ask you the same questions when you finally talk to a human. I've asked for a supervisor to call me at least a dozen times and have never received a call. The total disregard for their customers is sickening. I have been told by the service techs that the problem is with a node (whatever a node is) and is too expensive for them to fix unless I live in River Oaks (a wealth Houston area). He said that calls in River Oaks are answered the same day and the equipment is well taken care of. So, unless you’re rich Comcast doesn't care. Funny that they pay the same amount that I do. Do Not Use Comcast!
June 11, 2008
The worst experiences of my life
Comcast cable has the worst customer service ever. Funny this is supposed to be a service industry and they suck at it! I tried to order service and called up several time only to get hung up on a few times. The other times that I did speak to someone they had conflicting stories/ offers/ promotions then the previous salesman.

This has been one of the worst experiences of my life. Hope I never have to go through it again. I do not wish this one anyone. Comcast is a rip-off someone should put a stop to the monopoly they have on this industry.
June 11, 2008
Won't take it anymore
I recently moved into a new townhouse in Miami and Comcast struck a deal with the Association so that cable service was included in the monthly maintenance fee with no choice of provider left up to me. After moving in I had internet service added and was told that there would be no installation charge. Comcast send a contractor to install the internet service and it was working when he left. Much to my dismay my service quit working the same day! I called Comcast, waited on the phone for over an hour and they required me to go through a long series of meaningless power up and power down sequences of both the cable modem and my pc. No success. They dispatched a tech to repair the service and I had to take vacation time from work. The tech arrived and put a meter on my line and said there was nothing wrong with the service. He reconnected the cable modem and brought it back on line. Later that night the service went down again. I called Comcast (waited nearly an hour and a half on the phone) and went through the same power up and power down sequences again (meaningless). This situation went on for over 30 days!!! Then the bill arrived, I called Comcast to request an adjustment due to the fact that I had very little service over the last thirty days and was rudely told that if I didn't request it on the day that the service was down I would not get any credit. The rude woman said she would send out another tech and I would have to take another vacation day to wait for him.

The tech showed up, put a similar meter on the line and said nothing was wrong, this time the modem would not connect. This tech worked on this for over an hour and then got the modem to connect. The tech really didn't make any changes and just got lucky that it connected, I knew it would go down again. He shoved the service call sheet in front of me and told me to sign. Before I would sign I reviewed the sheet. Comcast had a customer aging report on the service call sheet and it stated that I was 60 days past due and I was instantly enraged! The truth is that I didn't even have service for 30 days at that point. I called Comcast again!

The young boy at the other end of the phone said that I was past due and scheduled for shut off. I reluctantly paid the bill (for almost no service) over the phone with a credit card. The young boy gave me a confirmation number and told me I was back to good standing. I snapped back to him that I was ALWAYS IN GOOD STANDING and Comcast screwed up AGAIN!

The next day...

I got home from work and all of my Comcast services were turned off. I was enraged beyond belief!!! I called Comcast again, (this time the wait was only 20 minutes) and the rude woman on the other end said that she saw no record of payment. I took a deep breath and read to her the confirmation number and explained that I had paid it over the phone. She said that she had to open a research request with another department and there was nothing she could do to help me. I had to wait.

I waited with no service for 1 week (even though promised 24 hours turn time for research). I called Comcast again (with a very long wait on the phone) and was told there was no record on my account that I had called and requested a research on this lost payment. I was pissed off!!!

I could go on forever but I was cut to the chase.

I made a total of 17 calls and even called the corporate headquarters. Finally, they found my payment applied to another persons account. I had to call them to get updates on this situation no Comcast employee ever called me back. I requested termination of this service. (I'm forced to keep the cable TV portion which is HORRIBLE LOW QUALITY PICTURE) and today 2 months later A COLLECTION COMPANY CALLED ME TO COLLECT A BALANCE DUE ON MY ACCOUNT!!!

I am now going to file with the small claims court to get results from Comcast!!! This and previous problems over the years has cost me over $1700.00 dollars (I keep detailed records) and I'm tired of being abused by a company that is supposed to provide service to me, THE CUSTOMER.

I am convinced this is a scam run by Comcast to generate additional revenue to compensate for their lack of management skills!!!


If you have been through a situation like this from Comcast I encourage you to take action and file your case in small claims court. It only requires you to fill out a form and pay a filing fee!!!
June 10, 2008
Awful service
Two weeks ago I had my cable and internet installed. I have a TIVO, so I requested the cable CARD; and my appointment was scheduled on Sunday, May 25 between 1 and 4. The tech. finally arrives at 5:30 pm, with a DVR. I told him that I do not need a DVR; I need a cable CARD for my TIVO. It turns out that he did not have anymore cable CARDS, and that I would have to reschedule an appointment to have that installed. I could not do that because I was leaving on vacation and I needed something to record my shows, so I had him install the DVR until I return and I can then schedule to install the cable CARD. He then moved onto the internet installation. He was clearly online setting everything up, and as soon as he left it stopped working. I called for tech support, but a recording tells me to do two options which are unsuccessful. I am told to make an appointment to have the internet repaired. I leave for vacation and return on Monday, June 2.

I call to make my appointment for Saturday, June 7. I explain that not only do I need my cable CARD installed, but I need someone to come and fix my internet. The representative on the phone tells me the same person can do both.

Saturday comes, and the tech is a no show. I call, and the representative on the phone tells me that the tech. will call me to let me know what was going on. I wait until 6:30 pm and he never called. I call to reschedule for Sunday, the next day, and the rep. tells me that they don't schedule appointments on Sunday. How was I able to get my installation on Sunday two weeks ago?! She tells me to reschedule. I have to schedule on a weekend, I work until 6 pm and apparently your tech. people can't schedule that late. Why is that when most people work 8-6? I am not waiting another week to have someone finish what they started, with the certainty that I will be sitting all day waiting and not have them show up? I can't trust your scheduling!

I call on Sunday to try and talk to someone else, with no success. He tells me that tech. can come on Sundays. Why was I told the day before that they can't?! The rep. tells me that Monday between 1-4 is available. After much debate, I tell him to book the Monday 1-4, I can once again modify MY schedule, how very inconvenient! He tells me "now it’s not available, we are all in a system and someone must have booked it". I hang up; this is incredible how hard it is to experience anything positive from your company.

I am sitting still with no TIVO and no Internet. Now do not tell me that I need to schedule something with the internet department to have that fixed. Do you think I want to go through all this with the internet department as well?! IT is this hard getting something accomplished with my cable; I have absolutely no faith in your internet department!
June 10, 2008
Won't refund money
Typing in severe frustration after trying to get a payment back from my old cable company: Comcast. I had a cable/internet account with Comcast of New Jersey over two years ago. The service was decent enough, but we moved to California and had to change companies. I have been using Cox Cable with no problems.

One day while paying my cable bill online (to my new cable company: Cox) I accidentally sent the payment to Comcast. It was my mistake, I accidentally clicked the wrong cable company while not paying attention. This was March 25, 2008. The amount was $117.50. I have been since trying to get that money back and running into hassle the entire time.

I first called April 15, 2008 and spoke with someone. They said they would call back. They did not. I then spoke to Andre May 1, 2008 and he said it would take five business days to get the check back, and that he would make a note to expedite the process. Still nothing and I then talked with Erin on May 11, 2008 who said it would actually be six to eight weeks before I got my check, which was issued April 15, 2008. I spoke with a supervisor, Caroline who said the same thing. I next spoke with Doris June 5th, 2008 and was told she or someone would call me back. No call, and I called again, today June 6, 2008 to Manuel and was told that none of the previous conversations actually created a credit due to a glitch on my account about a cable box. I am now told it will be an ADDITIONAL six to eight weeks to get the refund, as it is only TODAY actually going through as a refund request.

After numerous other calls today trying to get to some kind of supervisor, I was disconnected twice, got transferred to the wrong department four times, my call went to voicemail twice, and then finally got through to someone who said there is no complaint department, and she would try and resolve the problem. She (like everyone else I had spoken to) said I needed to talk with accounting, and when she went to transfer me, I was disconnected. I called again to someone with screaming and laughing (most definitely NOT work related) in the background, and when I said I could barely hear her, she said in an irritated voice, "Sir this is a call centre, it's loud." Last straw.
June 10, 2008
Worst service of all time
Comcast has the worst customer service department I have ever dealt with. In the last year I have had no less than 10 service calls to my home for dysfunctional cable boxes, loss of video on demand, and loss of signal(in less than 1 year). Their technicians never can get my service working for more than 2 weeks in a row, so I have just given up and will go back to my satellite dish. When I call them about my continued problems they just say that they'll send another technician. Even after speaking to supervisors, I get little help.
June 9, 2008
My bad experience
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. I see that I have a support group here who may share my concerns and maybe we should all file a class act lawsuit in which I am willing to fund if necessary. I called Comcast Last year to get hooked up and they said it would be $600.00 to run 300ft of cable. I then proceeded to show them another route and they said " OH YEAH" like idiots. After getting it hooked up for nothing they left an exposed terminal on the side of a pole for the world to see and hook up to. Indeed one of my neighbours hooked right up to it stealing my business class. I called and made a complaint and they finally came out and cut the line 45days or so later. They left an exposed line laying there on the ground. The neighbour then reconnected what seemed to be an exact match from Comcast leading me to suspect he had a friend who worked for them. I just cut it last night and I’m removing it from the terminal tomorrow and going to put the terminal on a pole with 50, 000volts running to it and a camera lol.

Ladies and gentlemen that is just the beginning. They still have yet to bury my lines as they run from my shop to my office. 4 months ago my IP gateway crashed and I called them. They sent a Guy out who said hey I’m sorry I’m not a tech I’m a Maintenance man. I had to show him the issues and diagnose the issues myself and request that he go back to the office and get a new Modem. He did so and my problem was solved and THEY GAVE ME THE WRONG GATEWAY IN THE FIRST PLACE. Online support team said they did not support the Gateway and I said «Well your tech brought it to me so explain that». They apologized and did nothing to my bill to make up for the incompetence of their techs.

In conclusion (PLEASE READ)

3 Days ago my New IPGateway made by Netgear started crashing for no reason. My PS3 said contact the manufacturer so I did and they said they could not support the product because they had a contract with Comcast stating not to. I couldn't believe it. So I then called Comcast and even they said they also could not support the product and would send a replacement in 4-5 days. DOES THIS MAKE SENSE? I proceeded to tell them how I seem to know more about their products and services than the actual people they have working for them in person and by phone. I went straight out and bought a new Modem for myself and when I got back I sat on hold for 1 hour and finally got someone on the line. After a very long hour of conversation and 3 transfers I was notified that «I’m sorry Sir, We do not support any modems from the local sores in your market area". OH YES!!! I was outraged. How can a Modem at Wal-Mart or any other store say right there on the Package. "Easy Installation-one phone call to your Internet Service Provider completes the setup". NO IT DOES NOT! Because Comcast does not support Modems that you yourself can purchase. Only what they can give you. THEN WHY WASN'T I NOTIFIED OF THIS? And how can a company false advertise this on their label in stores without knowing they would get a Lawsuit. I asked for a phone number to speak to a high end representative of the company and she informed me that there was no such number available.

Ladies and Gentlemen this is a major monopoly indeed and we should file suit.

Thank You for your time and Oh yes if I could get any other type of high-speed for my business then trust me I would have already. So basically they have this area on Lockdown and it's illegal.
June 9, 2008
The only thing Comcast has to offer is excuses
Starting in the beginning of May 2008 my husband and I got divorced. We moved into a new house and the first thing we did was call Comcast. They came out the first week of May and installed our TV and internet services. The gentleman was very nice and said we just needed to contact customer service to have the three email accounts on my ex husbands transferred over to our new account. Easy enough- that's what I thought. I contacted customer service right away and the Rep put in a ticket to have this completed. I called back a few days later to check and make sure it was completed and was told the ticket had been closed and the tech did not see any problems with us accessing our emails and they were working fine. I advised them that this was not the issue the ticket should have been opened for and that we we're just trying to transfer over our emails- we were not having any problem accessing them at all. The rep then put in a new ticket and told me it would now be entered correctly and completed within 48 hours. At this time customer service also contacted my ex husband to make sure his permission was granted for this to take place. On May 12th I called back to see what the status of the claim was. I was given some tired excuse and told that they would make it a priority so that it would be complete within 24 hours. I told them I would like a call back when this was completed to avoid any further time of mine wasted calling back in. On May 17th I still had not heard anything regarding the ticket and transfer of our email accounts and once again phoned Comcast. This time I was told it was still pending and someone would be calling me on Monday. I never did receive this call and had to phone back in again on May 25th. This time I spoke with a Supervisor named Veronica/Ronnie. She looked into the issue a bit further and said the reason this was taking so long and still pending was because Comcast had not received permission from my ex husband (which they already had at the beginning of the month). Rather than spend anymore time on the phone I said I would call him and have him call in to give his permission again. Ronnie said as soon as they spoke with him the issue would be taken care of within a few hours. My ex husband called and gave his permission. Later that day I still did not hear anything from Ronnie and called back. I was told she had left for the day and as far as this supervisor new it would take 24-48 hours to be completed now. I waited another week. On June 1st I had still not heard anything and called back. This time I spoke with a supervisor named James. After going over the problem for what seemed to be the thousandth time he said the reason nothing was being completed on this ticket now was because last weekend when they finally spoke with and got permission from my ex husband that the rep simply forgot to resubmit the ticket! He resubmitted the ticket and assured me this time that it had all the correct information, everyone's approval, and that it would be complete in 24-72 hours. He also reassured me and noted on the account again for whomever that completes this calls me to let me know it has been complete. Now here I am, it is June 8th. I still had not received a phone call and once again had to take time out of my day to call Comcast. Today I spoke with a Sup named Greg. He advised me that this ticket is still waiting to be assigned for a tier 2 rep to complete. I told him that I thought it was an eslcated/ emergency flagged ticket and was to be completed immediately according to the past Supervisors. He confirmed this but could not give me any reason to why it has been 8 days and still it has not been assigned nor completed. He could not give me any time frame as to how long it will take for someone to get assigned to this or how much longer my ticket will have to be out in limbo. It doesn't seem to me that in any customer service environment that an eslcated issue should take 8 days or more to get resolved. I wouldn't have minded waiting the 8 days in the beginning, but considering we have already been dealing with this for the past month it seems a little ridiculous that this cannot be made a priority. Everyone at Comcast seems very good about putting the blame on the person who handled the situation before them and giving excuses, but no one seems able to do anything to fix the situation.

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