Comdata Inc., is a money transmitter. They operate in many states from South Carolina to California. Independent drivers utilize their services to be paid more quickly than the 60 to 90 days for invoices. By paying for 7.5% or more to factor the bills through Comdata, the pay is supposed to be posted within two days. This high rate account is supposed to be no recourse. Meaning, is the shipper or biller does not pay, the transportation company or driver submitting the bills to Ceridian will not attempt to collect from them. That is the purpose for the 7.5% or higher service fee, this is in addition to paying to use Comchecks for funds your own company has earned, etc. They make customers pay for their errors and don't alert customers when there's a problem, they just deduct money from their accounts.
The scam perfected by them include Chandra Jackson, a portfolio manager and her supervisior Richard Packard (Director of Portfolio Manager), operates like this: After customers become dissatisfied by the violation of the contract through constant recourse money grabs, the customer attempts to close their account, retrieve all money in the account and have their name released from the UCC Filing. Comdata instructs their employees to refuse to do all three for months. Thus, preventing the customer from obtaining the services of another factoring company/money transmitter, which is not allowed by law. Comdata then stalls by sending false emails to customers when they leave, refuse to answer or return phone calls, send complaints to their Florida and other offices and block all calls and emails from submission.
Comdata causes tremendous financial hardships, especially for small transportation companies by their mob actions and instruct their employees to state, "The needs of current customers come first, and we'll get to you when we can." This has happened to our company, and after waiting a full 30 days, Ceridian/Comdata then illegally retains the last pay from our invoices and the money in our account. The cover-up is not a clean as it could be, due to a few honest employees in accounting who admitted in writing that the account has been closed for 18 months now, but someone is blocking the return of the money. In conversations with other companies and individuals that Comdata has scammed, it has been explained that the scam works because small companies cannot afford to wait 30 days or beg and plead for their money back. It will run them out of business. They do it to keep you at Comdata!!!
Comdata owes our company hundreds of dollars for money from this account that was closed in September 2008, and for the $20.00 per month late fees for unpaid funds. Do not do any business with Comdata Financial, Comdata Network or Ceridian their parent company. COMDATA SCAMS CUSTOMERS!!!