My daughter, my 3 month old grandson, and I were shopping for new furniture on Sun. Jan29th around 4P.M. at the Comfort Shoppe in Madison.
My grandson needed to eat so my daughter sat on a clearance chair (very ugly by the way) to feed him. I continued to look for furniture. Shortly after I came back to check on them a man with dark hair came to the area we were in. I thought he was a shopper. He started to move the display around. He was very unfriendly and made both of us feel uncomfortable. We got the feeling that my grandson was not suppose to be eating in this establishment! We were upstairs away from the other shoppers. We left immediately. If he would have said something we might have continued our shopping there, but instead we went to a store where the management-workers identified themselves and purchased the perfect furniture I was looking for. It's important for employees to identify themselves, put on a smile, and make the shoppers feel welcomed.