Homeowners Beware!
This is another one of these organizations which, driven by attorney's seeking fees, harasses home owners supposedly to enforce homeowners association covenants which you were likely forced to sign (or were completely unaware of) at the time you purchased your home in a subdivision.
They apparently are unable to pay a living wage so they resort to hiring toothless trailer trash ("TTT") to come around and `inspect' (tresspass?) on your property. If you do not comply with their ridiculous demands to remove or change something, you will get a letter from them and/or your homeowners association informing you that you need to ask for and receive permission before you relieve yourself, etc. If you still do not comply, the matter will be referred to an attorney (which is the real purpose in the first place since your homeowners association gets a kickback as does CCM). Eventually, continued refusal may result in a suit, lien, etc. You can litigate the matter but they know you don't likely have the resources to do that.
Bear in mind that the covenants are subject to the interpretation of these third grade drop outs and/or your HOA and/or CCM, and even though the covenants (and the unconscionable circumstances under which you were forced to agree to them assuming you knew about them), and the attempt to enforce them, are a violation of your civil and constitutional rights, they could care less. To CCM, your homeowners association (yes, your board members are in on the scam too...remember how bad they wanted to become board members? There was a reason) and the attorney's they are shells for, you are nothing but sheep which exist soley to have your rights violated as they extort money from you (where are all those liberals now...probably the attorneys trying to sue you?).
In additional to complaining in writing to the Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs, the attorney General's Office, the FTC, etc, potential home buyers should refuse to purchase any home in any subdivision which engages CCM or any organization like them. Insert a statement in the purchase agreement (or have your attorney do it) effectively voiding the contract if the developer or builder or anyone else, engages their services. Also, write to the presidents of each developer and builder indicating that you will never consider purchasing a home from any bulider or developer who engages the services of CCM or anyone like them and that you will actively discourage everyone else from buying in such a subdivision. If you already own, write explaining you will never purchase from them again as a result of their poor judgment in engaging CCM. Eventually, they should get the idea that home buyers will not tolerate such absurd attempts at extortion, and that they have violated numerous laws and regulations designed for the protection of consumers.