If you read this WATCH OUT! These guys are professional scammers!
I did a terrible mistake to go to their shop on 417 5th avenue in New York.
I was going to buy a Canon 10D digital camera and looked around on internet for one. I find a place on internet that is called pcvideoonline.com. I looked at their website and I saw that they had the camera in stock, it was the only one I found in New York who had it in stock at the time. I e-mailed them to confirm that they had a Canon 10D in stock, and those lenses i wanted. I got an answer that they had the camera in stock, and that I should contact Ulf at the store when I arrived. I bought an airticket from Sweden to New York to buy the camera and the lenses.
When I came to the store I asked for Ulf. Ulf said that he was from Umeå in Sweden (today I don't think he was from Sweden, I think he said that to make me feel better and safer), and said that they had "the best price in the New York". I told Ulf that I was going to spend about 4500$ on camera and lenses. He show me the camera and the rest, then he asked for my creditcard. He didn't inform me anything else before he charged my creditcard, and then he charged me 5861$!! for a Camera with two lenses! 500$ was for a world wide warranty that I didn't want, but they charged me anyway. I showed them the printout from internet with their prices, but they said that it was not their homesite. After a lot of trouble they did credit 500$ for the lens I didnt get. what could I do, I did see the camera and stuff on the counter. After Ulf had charged my creditcard he took the camera away and told me that it was not my camera, my camera should come next day! So there I was, charged for more than 5000 $ and had no camera! The day after I got the camera and one lens. Then after much more trouble I got some memory card and some other stuff you can see on the link.
They charge me 1460$ too much and they didn't refund the money when i noticed it and remind them aboute it. I have send over 5 e-mail to them without answer.
Comp Direct,
Plasma Kings,
Barnett's Computer Warehouse.
Probably there are more names.