This people will say in a very nice way HI Ms. So and So, my name is Whoever and will say I was the one who opened your account at TIMESTELECOM and now I am calling you because I am working for a different company who gives a better service than TimesTelecom.
I was a stupid enough to get caught on a conversation because the guy was very nice and soft spoken. Before you know it he was asking me to sign up and took all my information and my Credit Card number. I was reluctant to give in but started sales talking me. I told them that I am happy with TimesTelecom and that I do not use Long Distance anymore but they just kept insisting like they don't even hear me. I even asked why would I pay for something I will never use anyway? and they just kept on going. He even gave the phone to his "supervisor" to convince me. From asking of one time fee of $35.00 to $3.00 after 25 minutes of persuading I was able to agree but very unhappy.
So again I was so frickin stupid I gave my Credit Card number but I suddenly stopped when they asked for my PV code on the back of the card. I hang up. I was so scared of what I just did I called my Credit Card Company and cancelled the card and got a different one.
Now they are harassing me and calling me including 12 midnight here in Canada. I am not sure how to stop this because it is a 1 858 number. Numerous times they called me 8 times in one day when I do not pick up. In Canada there is a law that if you call more than twice in a day as a company you can face a Lawsuit. In this case I can't file anything. I just put them on hold and play a very RUDE on hold message that I got on YOUTUBE and let them get charged with long distance call its free on my end anyway plus I am having fun INSULTING THEM WHILE ON HOLD. LOL!
As soon as you see this number on your phone NEVER pick up. They are relentless and will never reason out with you.
This are the numbers if you want to take a note. (number who called me so far)
1 858 309-8795 AND 1 858 568-7637