Do not get taken in by the following dishonest sites:
These sites are operated by a company called CompuTechnologies, and I would like to share with everyone an outrageous experience with them.
On March 14, 2011, an order was placed on their site. Following the placement of the order, a very strange email was received showing no return address and no contact information, and containing FIVE PAGES of pseudo-legal mumbo-jumbo. Within that text, a promise was made for another followup email within 5 business days with further details.
That email never came.
Finding no contact information in the email and then going back and finding no contact information on the site itself, an inquiry was made with the credit card used. The inquiry resulted in no response from the merchant, CompuTechnologies.
About a month later, a letter was received from CompuTechnologies. This letter was the most bizarre thing imaginable. For starters, it was dated 3 months prior to the sale date. But, that was only the beginning. What followed in the letter was two pages chock full of lies, along with a $60 “penalty” for disputing the charge, along with a blatant threat to send it to a collection agency and report it to the major credit agencies.
I sent them a reply with a vehement response, clearly illuminating their deceptive practices and lies. They then sent a bill for my "penalty" to a collection agency.
You can read more about this and see all the supporting documentation at: