I ordered an Abit motherboard from this company through eBay. After almost a week, I have received no notifications from Computergods.com acknowledging my order or providing shipping information. Suspicious, I consulted resellerratings.com and my suspicions were confirmed. My e-mail to Computergods has gone unanswered; the telephone number provided by eBay as "contact information" has been disconnected; the Computergods.com website cannot be accessed. However, eBay has charged my credit card and (presumably) passed on the money to Computergods.com. eBay is full of glowing feedback comments in praise of Computergods.com, but I notice that many of the comments by different users reference the same Item#, an impossibility. It looks very like the feedback has been seeded with favorable comments. There are, in fact, some favorable comments regarding Computergods.com in the resellerratings list, but they are all ancient. All recent reviews are B-A-D.
Dec. 27, 2002 - OK, time to eat a little crow and apologize to Computergods.com for my earlier impetuous comments. The motherboard I ordered arrived today and is apparently in good condition. I reserve final judgement until it passes its operational checks, but Computergods came through in good time with what I ordered at the price agreed. Except for the deep silence in the area of notification, tracking numbers, etc., this is about as much as one can expect from an e-store. More to follow after the motherboard is installed and reveals its worth.
01/26/03 O.K., final installment. The Abit motherboard provided by Computergods.com is installed and works. My satisfaction is sullied by the fact that the board was misrepresented by Computergods.com as "factory reconditioned" and that was obviously not the case. A small cooling fan mounted on the board was absolutely choked with dust and the BIOS installed was so downlevel that it didn't recognize the processor I had installed and provided no options to accurately describe it. It could not have been "factory reconditioned". All of the comments which follow which describe one's inability to contact this company are correct. Their web-site does not work, they do not respond to e-mails and the telephone number supplied by eBay is disconnected. It is impossible to recommend that one do business with computergods.com. On the flip side, the motherboard accepted an ugraded version of BIOS and has been working flawlessly since the installation was complete.
03/25/03 O.K., so the last comment wasn't final. This one is. The Abit motherboard bit the dust last week. Fini, kaput. I have ordered an Epox motherboard to replace it. So much for Computergods.com. I will never order anything with their name on it again. Neither should you.