This company has amazing customer service. Steve responded immediately to my questions about which CPU steppings were in stock. I ordered a 1.3Ghz Athlon AYHJA "Y" and Steve had everything ready to ship. However, at the last minute he discovered that instead of "Y" the processor was "K" - apparantly the stock lady misread the processor. To my surprise I recieved this e-mail:
"Hello Corwin,
I just got what I was told were AYHJA Y, and ready to ship, but looked and the where the Y normally is, is a K. Would you be ok, if I sent you a 1.4 AYHJA Y. I did not mean to misrepresent anything, but apparently, the lady in the warehouse needs new glasses. ;) This will work out better for you, although not so good for me.
Please advise, as I am prepared to ship.
Thank you,
Steve Van Vliet
This is way beyond what I have ever seen from ANY company I have dealt with. I highly recommend CompuWiz-Tech to anyone looking to have a smooth and very good shopping experience.