I had been a customer of Comwave Telecom (Comwave.net) for more than 4 years now. I have multiple phones with them and have been spending well over 100$ for long distance alone every month. I have personally connected over than 50 other customers to their VOIP service and had also advised many more.
About half a year ago their voice quality degraded dramatically furthermore long distance was not working half of attempts. But this was just the beginning of the story. I had to spent well over 13 hours on the phone with their tech support and customer service to try to fix the problem. Finally new devices has been shipped to me but never arrived. Another month and another two been shipped and finally arrived. Now I was charged for 2 unactivated devices. Every month this charge comes up and I have to call back. I have requested the credit for those months that I was not able to use the phone but had received refusal. Nobody was calling to me back for many weeks in a row. My account got suspended a few times as those lost devices been coming up every month. I have spoke to Customer Service Manager Kim and Synova but they were not returning my calls.
Finally I've got fed up with this pure disrespect and nonexistence of customer service and started disconnecting my phones. I am also proceeding with moving my customers to another provider.
My current advisory: KEEP AWAY from COMWAVE.