If interested in joining a class-action lawsuit please contact [email protected]
They've sent letters for further documentation on some claims paid and then they stopped paying any further claims. I sent and re-sent documentation and finally re-imbursed for one that I got tired of bugging my healthcare provider over. I then had to submit all further claims manually as wasn't able to use the card all this time. I called to follow-up and they said they never received them. I re-faxed them and then they were rejected as duplicate claims. Other rejection letters (received 4 in one day) said they needed the patient's name, day of service, etc. DUH ! I gave them the EOB's/bills/receipts. Of course they had this info. The only thing some may not have had is the diagnostic code but their plan informatino does not state this is needed, the federal government does not state this is needed, and one healthcare provider told me that it is not standard to submit those with FSA's as they're not an insurance company --- it's a government tax-break program. I wouldn't mind submitting those but I'm not going to go and bug these same healthcare providers a 3rd time and I'm certain that it's just another part of their game. I could not get any explanations over the phone.
They have $1500 of our money and have a dozen medical EOB's that we've paid out of our pockets. They stole $1500 from us as far as I can see.