What ever happen to good customer service this folks in this establishment just give you the run around. I bought many items from clearance and was told the item were tested and working fine but first item I brought was not working when they delivered. The service department came down and fix the problem loose wire.
Next nightmare was a 65 inch TV from Mitsubishi first week went down waited for repairman later two weeks on Friday he arrived. Told me he would have to order parts took another two weeks or more so then the TV still didn't work. So then he ordered another part and took a couple of weeks to arrive. Ok everything is ok for about a month then it goes down for same issue call repair person was scheduled to come in on friday again but my request was sooner got tried of waiting. He orders parts then installs and not working so now here I am with no TV for about 5 months since I brought it and all I hear is excuses about the part not coming in right and have to order another parts from Mitsubishi. This will be my last Mitsubishi TV and conns clearance items I will ever buy from them and mistake I made paid cash for my items big mistake.
Conns clearance items,
410 San Antonio Texas.