Well folks there are things you should know about us sales people
at Conn’s we only get pay by commission so that means to you
That if we don't sale you something with a warranty we don't make any money so we will shove it if we can; nobody likes to work for free,
So don't be surprise, and by the way some items have more profit for us so we will try to sale you what puts more money in our pockets, not what you want.
In reality the system it’s all screwed up. Our computer system is so old
That often things get lost and they will make you call more than 20 numbers before you get any answer; don’t blame us for that ok.
Do you want to know a little secret?
every month we have a company meeting where we talk about how to make more money off of you, At Conn’s either you make money reaping people or you quit so there you have it, now, I think I will be able to sleep tonight, and don't forget to stop by your local friendly Conn’s store. Yes am the guy in the red jacket