My mother called me about my dad having heart problems on the Carnival cruise Conquest after only one day out to sea. She asked me to contact her doctor and get them to call her. Well, they would not call her because of the $9.50 a minute charges.
Therefore, when she called me back, I gave her the email for the doctor. I called the 1-877-225-7447 number and gave my credit card number. When the phone rang, someone answered it and I asked for my mom's cabin and was put on hold for over a whole song. I hung up as that is a lot of money per minute to be left hanging on hold.
When I called the 1-800-227-6482 number they said that was the cruise problem not theirs and gave me the 1-800-799-2411 number to call. When I called that number to complain all she offered to do was to try to get me through again at the same $9.50 a minute and did not guarantee that I would not be put on hold again.
Not a nice way to rip a person off... especially during a medical problem on their ship... as I explained to that person on that last number I called.