!!! BEWARE !!!
They take people's money and hold it for as long as they can possibly get away with.
Usually until the purchaser threatens legal action, then they refund the money.
They apparently make use of the money for interest earnings and other business dealings.
They are operating outside of the U.S.
Apparently in Austria or Monaco (or both), so they're difficult to prosecute, though it appears that Mastercard may be working on it.
In an attempt to maintain a legitimate business appearance, they do deliver on certain easier-to-find items, though don't count on it being exactly what you ordered and don't count on getting it any time soon.
If you ordered a rare item, you can pretty much rest assured that it will never arrive.
They pretty much never answer E-mails and if they do, the message will usually consist of lies regarding the status of your order, sent with the intention of buying themselves more time.
Their primary hope seems to be that you will just give up and move on, and it looks like many people actually do exactly that.
If you already ordered from them, don't give up!
Get you money back then urge your credit card company to prosecute these scammers.