Consolidated Theatres Royale 14
6505 America Blvd
Hyattsville, Ma 20782, US
There is a fundamental relationship between consumer and business. Price is told upfront and the customer decides whether to conduct the business. That is the basis of my complaint. This theater has struck a deal with the parking lot company (whose name I do not know) to provide validated parking to its customers. That was so the first time I went to the theater. However today I learned much to my outrage at the lot's exit that I owed parking. They changed policy apparently; validation is only good for two hours. After which you pay. Well had I known that when I first spoke to the attendant at the entrance of the garage I would have either left or known to expect that cost at the end of the movie. The parking lot's excuse is that I should have read the sign. And the sign they speak of makes not mention of the relationship with the theater and validation.
Bottom line, beware that a night out to the Royale 14 theater (Consolidated Theatres) will cost not only the ticket price but also parking because it is quite impossible to watch a movie in less than two hours.
I sent the company a complaint via their website. We'll see if they respond. In my view this is false advertising and borderline extortion.