Consumer Health Benefits Association

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Consumer Health Benefits Association Reviews

akailiajade August 27, 2010
FTC Cases Opened - Unauthorized Charge to Credit Card
I worked for a company for 27 years and was laid off due to a change in contract. I retained my health benefits during my six months severance period, but after that they ceased. I couldn't find another job and I couldn't afford the astronomical cost of individual health coverage, so I went looking for a more affordable alternative. That's when I found CHBA. They charged the credit card I designated $129.95 per month for their discount plan. I didn't have any health situations that required doctor, ER or hospital visits, but I did use it for prescriptions. It worked okay for that.

I got a job in April and became eligible for their insurance coverage on 7/9/2010. I called them on 6/28/10 to see about cancelling my coverage. They had already billed me for 7/2010. I expected this and was okay with it. They told me to call back on 7/20/2010 to cancel coverage before August was billed. I don't understand why I had to call back, but I didn't make an issue of it. I called on 7/20/10. They had a record of my previous call. They asked their questions, I answered them and they assured me that the plan was cancelled and no further charges would be added to my credit card. I checked my account on 8/2/10 and discovered that on 7/30/10, they had billed me for $129.95 again after assuring me on 7/20/10 that this would not happen. I called them immediately and had to leave a message. They called me back. They agreed that the charge was in error. The person I spoke with said she would forward it to a supervisor to be reversed and this would take 7-10 days.

I monitored my account, but the charge did not get reversed. It still isn't reversed. In the meantime, I have attempted to contact them eight times. Twice I was able to leave messages, but they were not returned. The other six times I got the VM message which listed their business hours and gave their web site as a reference. Then it said to leave a message including my name, group number, and issue after the tone. Then it said the mailbox was full and couldn't take any more messages. Finally it said, "An error has occurred."

My final call took place today. I dialed the CBHA toll free number and instead of getting their message, I got a message from the FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (FTC)! This message states that three cases have been opened againsts CHBA for false advertising and other offenses.

After listening to the FTC messages, I called my credit card company. I had already opened a dispute with them when I couldn't get through to the CHBA telephone number. My credit card company is taking the charge off my card.

If CHBA has defrauded you or owes you money, you may want to call 1-877-687-2422 and listen to the FTC message to see what to do about it.

Good luck!
cr125 May 16, 2009
rip off
I signed up for CHBA "insurance" and didn't realize what I was actually getting. I submitted an online request to receive quotes for health INSURANCE. CHBA is an ADVOCACY group which seeks to negotiate down your bill and also provides discounts on things like dental, eyeglasses et. But they are not insurance. It says so on your id card when you receive it. But of course I didn't know that at the time.

This gentleman called me and said they provided coverage for health, eye, dental and prescription. The call was very, very long and there is a very long verification process which frankly some of it went in one ear and out the other. He did say finally it was not insurance but after being on the phone for so long I didn't care. It sounded good so what the heck, right? Wrong.

I had to go to the emergency room one night and all told I received 3 bills totaling just over $1000. One bill was advocated very successfully, but the others were not, leaving me on the hook for over $750, out of $1000. That not good enough when I'm paying over $100 a month in premiums ( I think it was $120 a month). They told me numerous times their goal is always to shoot for an 80% REDUCTION in your bills, which obviously fell well short. A representative I spoke with who was actually quite nice told me that the bills were not advocated for in the manner that they "should have been", whatever that means.. My 3 bills from the hospital totaled just over $1000. They were all from the same evening. But they never picked that up even though I told them no less than half a dozen times, including a letter. I'm not sure if she meant to infer that they would have received a more aggressive handling if they had realized this but that was my impression. Also then it would have been their error for not totaling the bills as they should have.

Bottom line is this: save your money and get real insurance. This company should not be in business because they provide little for the money you pay.
Laura April 19, 2009
Fraud and lies
Just a few minutes ago a man named Gary from Consumer Health Benefits Association contacted me over the phone trying to sell me what he said was a health insurance plan. It was in response to an inquiry I filled out online. He was somewhat pushy and wanted me to make a decision on the spot and pay over the phone. He said this was a special deal only made available to the public once a year and today was the last day of the offer. I first asked very clearly if this was a HEALTH INSURANCE plan or a MEDICAL DISCOUNT plan. He said this was most definately a HEALTH INSURANCE PPO. I then asked if there was a website I could go to to review the details of the plan benefits. He said it was under construction and there wasn't one right now.He asked if I had access to a fax machine, and only after i told him I did not, he said too bad because he could have faxed me some information. I asked if he could please e mail the same information, he said it it would take to much of his time. Strange, wouldn't someone trying to sell a policy want to make the sale by taking a little time to email someone details. He then wanted to talk to my husband because in his words, ' I really need to speak to the decision maker' I had already told him we make decisions together, as if he thought a woman wasn't capable of doing it. He said well if you don't want this or need it I guess... ok give me your number I said, I will call you back. My husband is still asleep from working night shift. We'll talk it over when he gets up.He gave me the phone number. But I came straight downstairs to my computer and did a search for this company. What I found didn't surprise me. There are lots of complaints on many sites. I also found through the consumer complaints that this is most definately NOT a health insurance plan but a discount program. I'm just glad I checked it out for my self and didn't let this man push me into buying anything. If something sounds to good to be true it probably is, like the $129.95 monthly premium they were offering for our family of 6 with preexisting conditions. He also told me that they have worked with somelarge national companies like SC JOhnson and some others I cant remember( not sure if he was trying to insinuate they provide coverage for them or what). Frankly if I was on of these large companies I would be very upset to know my company name was being used in this guys sales pitch. So please check out all details before you buy anything. I will not be doing any kind of business with Consumer Health Products Association.
Karen Frink February 3, 2009
In October of 2008, my husband and I received a letter that our daughter will age out of his medical insurance through his place of employment and that she would be covered until December 1, 2008. So we started searching for an affordable insurance plan. Our daughter is a fulltime college student and works parttime and does have a pre-existing condition. I did some research on the internet. I never heard of Consumer Health Benefits Association. One evening we received a telephone call from Scott (their respresentative), and we discussed this issue of our daughter needing health insurance and prescription coverage. He explained that under their benefits, that she would only have to pay 20% of office visits, ER, etc. He further explained that she would have a prescription coverage and that it was tiered. And I repeated everything and wrote it all down. He also stated that this plan would include life insurance for $15, 000 and some other perks. I asked him if I could discuss it with my husband and give him a call back. He stated that that would be fine, but if we didn't signup that evening that he could not guarantee the $119.95 a month premium. So I said that I would call him back and give him a yes or no answer. So I discussed it with my husband and we decided that this would be a plan that she could afford the doctors office payments and her medicine. So I contacted Scott back and said that we would go ahead and get this coverage for our daughter. And I repeated the benefits that he related to me, he verified that yes this would be the benefit coverage. So we went ahead and paid for it via debit card. He said that she would be covered right away. The next week, our daughter ended up in the emergency room a couple of times and we still had not received the card and explanation of benefits. So I contacted Scott from the hospital and he said do not worry, that they would take care of her expenses that were not covered by my husbands insurance. ( She was double covered). He told me that when we received the bills that were not covered by my husbands insurance to contact him and he would let me know what to do next. In Novemeber when we received the unpaid portion of the bills, I tried calling him several times for several days. Finally about a week later I received a call from someone else in his office and they told me that Scott died unexpectedly. I thought okay and asked this guy what I needed to do, and he said that he would contact me in a few days. Have never heard from him. So a couple weeks ago in January 2009, my daughter went to get one of her prescriptions refilled and the pharmacy said that they could not fill it because she did not have a new card for 2009. Okay, so she contacts Consumer Health Benefits Association and YOU NEVER GET TO TALK TO ANYONE, leaves a message and to this date has not heard back. Yesterday, Feb. 2, 2009, she is in need to go see her doctor, (first time since she has this plan), they tell her that she has to pay $150 to see the doctor, they contacted Consumer Health Benefits Association and that is what they told the receptionist. Mind you, our daughter is 22 years old, is a fulltime college student and works parttime. Now what young person has that kind of money to see a doctor. I have tried contacting CHBA for 2 days now and have yet to talk to anyone. They have lied and no one ever answers the member services line. So now it is back to square one to try to find health coverage for our daughter with a pre-existing condition. When I do speak to CHBA, I will ask for a refund $479.80.
November 22, 2008
This is a rip-off. salesman came into our home for over 1 hour telling of thew great savings on medical, dental and vision care. over 200 per month have tried to use it 3x in the past year, no luck... I need to travel ove 30 miles to use their so called network providers, for a $5.00 savings. This was suppose to supplement my medicare coverage but cannot use for my local physicans or hospital. Called the program yesterday to try and use for dental and vision. No help can not speak to a supevisor they do not accept calls, the reps will take a message for someone to call when they have time! Read the guarantee which states that if you do not save more than paid for a year can receive a refund or anothe year for free. Tried to speak to someone and they told me I had not used it enough, so of course, no refund... Still no phone call back from a supervisor, will keep trying.. Told them I wanted to cancel, they told me I wa covered to the 15th of next month, best part the cancellation would take effect today, so they still get 25 days of coverage for essentially free, a penalty clause.
December 21, 2007
Fraud and cheating!
A man called my 82 year old widowed mother on Dec.13,2007 representing himself as an employee of her bank and asked her the number of her last check she had written. She gave it to him and he hung up. She became suspicious and immediately went to her bank and reported the phone call. The bank had no employees by the name of the man who called her. The bank immediately froze her checking account. That night an electronic debit was charged against her frozen account by Consumer Health Benefits Association for $399.00. This money never came out of her account due to the fact the bank had stopped all transactions on the account. The bank arranged for her to have a new account with a new number. The bank gave my mother a zerox copy of the attempted debit by Consumer Health Benefits Association with their customer service phone number. I called the number and told the man who answered that I was inquiring about the Consumer Health Benefits Association. He told me that he answered several companies phones and that this was just one of the companies. I told him what had happened to my mother and that the bank had notified the FBI. At that point the man who answered the phone became very agitated and stated that there was no cause to make this a legal thing and wanted my mother's phone number and address.I gave him neither and hung up. I am a retired State Investigator with the Alabama Attorney General's Office and I spent the last 14 years of my career in the White Collar Crime Division. I know a scam when I see one. I believe the appropriate authorities in Florida or wherever should initiate a criminal investigation into the Consumer Health Benefit Association before they take anymore money from elderly ladies who cannot afford to be ripped off.
October 10, 2007
Fraud and cheating!
I was contacted today by an agent for Consumer Health Benefits Association named Daniel Cintron. I have been searching for health care coverage because I am on Social Security Disability Income and do not qualify for Medicare and Medicaid. I have been denied by several major health care companies due to my disability and the amount of my total prescriptions.
I was thrilled when Daniel Cintron contacted me. He informed me I was approved for "health care benefits". He talked so fast that I had not had time to digest where he had gotten my personal information. I of course accepted without doing any internet research. He informed I could continue to see my current doctors.

When I had a moment, I googled the company's name and well, freaked out. I read so many complaints on-line about this company. Also, I looked through their provider directory. Obviously my current doctors were not listed. I wondered how could I see my current doctors if their not listed. I then decided to call some of these doctors and find out some information. The first doctor's office I called had not heard of Consumer Health Benefits Association and placed me on hold to confirm with the office employee who handled medical claims. She too had not heard of the program or company and wondered why they would be listed as a provider. I called a second number and it was disconnected with no forwarding number. I called a third number and it was too disconnected. I called a fourth and it was a personal residence. I called a fifth and it was a local business not related to health care industry. I called a sixth and it was a doctor's office not even related to the listed doctor. This company is a scam and when I called back to cancel my membership, Daniel informed me that I had to submit in writing that I wanted to cancel, and hung up on me. I didn't get an address and imagine that, they do not have an address listed on their website.

October 23, 2006
What a fraud!
Below is a copy of my complaint to the BBB against Consumer Health Association. As stated in the complaint. I was contacted on my cell phone. Yes, I did go on the Internet looking for HEALTH INSURANCE BUT not on their website. It is like popups if you go on one website they seem to all get your information. That is how they contacted me by cell phone. Adams first words to me were "I understand you are looking for HEALTH INSURANCE." (As stated in the complaint below) after the original call from Adam, (at approximately 3:30 PM CDT on 09/14/06) I had second thoughts so I decided to go online and try to find out something about the company and the plan to no avail. I had to call several times to find out the name of the company and a website address. I never heard of this company before. I truly believe they know what they are doing that is why they record the conversation and make sure you understand there is no refund.

What a FRAUD, if they do this to a 100 people a week who hang up and realize later this is not what they want and cancel this company has made $23,989.00 and did not have to spend a penny on claims.

I am a 54-year-old widow in need of Health Insurance that I can afford. When Adam first told me the price, I still believed it was insurance. I was so thrilled with the monthly cost, I told him I wanted to get the plan. He transferred me to the Amber who stated it was going to be recorded (every company today tells you that big deal) is when I realized it was a discount plan, I changed my mine. She then transferred me to Josiah who then talked me into it. I work hard for my money. In the Rebuttal reply from Rita B Werner she states cancellation was received by telephone from consumer on 9/19/2006, 4 days after purchase. I called back on 09/18/06 and told him I wanted to cancel. He gave me a number to call and said it was late, no one would be there leave a message and they would count the cancellation as the 18th. Because I left the message stating I wanted to cancel I believed Josiah and considered that as a cancellation. Monday evening 09/18/06 I made a complaint with BBB via the Internet.

I am not satisfied with this company’s response. I want a total refund of $239.89.

(1st complaint letter to BBB 09/18/06)

Customer Description

Adam contacted me on my cell phone around 5pm on 09/14/06, stating I was interested in Health Insurance. I had gone on the internet several weeks ago looking for a quote on Health Insurance (Not this company. I had not heard of this company until now). I am a widow in need of insurance I can afford. Adam lead me to believe it was Health Insurance. When I agreed to purchase the plan. I was transferred to Amber who stated that the conversation would be recorded. I agreed, most phone conversion these days are for quality assurance. Upon listening to what she had to say I decided to change my mind. She then put Josiah on the line immediately. Josiah talked me into getting the plan. He said I would get information in the mail within two weeks. When I arrived home, I tried to find information on Consumer New Health, on the Internet to no avail. I called the next afternoon the no. Amber gave me for customer service 877-687-2422 and reached a recording. I then called the no. Adam called me from, I told Josiah I didn’t want the plan. I couldn’t fine anything about them on the Internet. He then gave me the name Consumer Health Assoc. and hung up. Nothing on this name either. I called again and reached a recording which gave a web address After going to the site, I truly discovered that this wasn’t what I wanted. I called back and couldn’t reach anyone.

I called Josiah today the 18th, to cancel the plan and wanted my money back. He told me to call customer service tomorrow noone was there now. I feel that I was caught off guard, taken advantage of by high-pressure sales and not given the time nor the opportunity to truly think it over. The monthly quote I was given was affordable and I truly did not comprehend the total picture. Louisiana law states that if you are solicited by telephone or at your home, you have three days to change your mind and get out of the contract.


I want to cancel and receive my money back. PRODUCT: discount health program

Company Response

September 21, 2006

2924 N. Australian Ave
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407

Attn: Complaint Department

File #: 426sss
Re: Beryl
Member #: GTNsss

Dear Ms. Venissa

To ensure that the member understands fully what they have purchased at the time of application the members participates in a recorded verification call. This verification call verifies that they understand they are purchasing a member advocacy and intervention program along with non-insurance discount medical services, accident medical expense insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance and a prescription drug plan. We also verify the spelling of their name(s), their address, telephone number(s), email address, their credit card or bank statement, name on credit card or account, as well as their authorization of the non-refundable application fee and monthly premium amount. The verification call is available for you to hear upon request.

Rita B Werner
Sr. Vice President, Customer Relations
Consumer Health Benefits Association

(My rebuttal to BBB on 09/29/06)

Dear Ms. Venissa Garcia,

Thank you for handling my complaint regarding Consumer Health Benefits Association, however I
am dissatisfied with the Company's response.

As stated in the first complaint, it is a Louisiana Law that if you were solicited by telephone, which I was, you have the right to change your mind within three days. If you did not contact the company first, the law is there to protect the consumer who realizes he/she made the wrong decision. Being caught off guard, pressured, or by not being allowed an appropriate amount of time to think it over, people make wrong decision.

I was not ask explicitly, if I wavier my rights to the 3 day cancellation law. Therefore, it is immaterial and irrelevant that they have a recorded verification of me agreeing to the no refund policy and to understanding what I was purchasing.

Therefore, I am again requesting Consumer Health Benefits Association to issue me a refund of $239.89.

Thank you your help in this matter.

504 559 4sss

Louisiana consumer law:
Consumer purchase and credit issues Louisiana consumer law includes issues that face the average person on almost a daily basis. This can include financial issues like over-extended debt, usury, interest rates, and bankruptcy. Other consumer issues include consumer loans, credit repair services, and the ability to get out of contracts resulting from home or telephone solicitation.

For a complete listing of services and information available for the Louisiana consumer, visit the Louisiana Department of Justice Consumer Protection site.

Related Topics

There are many laws for the consumer that were passed in response to particular abuses. For example, contracts for dancing lessons must be in writing and cannot be for more than one hundred hours or cost more than a total of $5,000. This law was in response to abuses by dancing studios in signing up elderly or gullible persons to expensive lifetime contracts.

When can you get out of a purchase?

Many people are under the impression that they have three days to get out of a purchase. The fact is, in most situations once you purchase goods or services, you cannot get out of the sale unless the seller is good enough to let you out. So, people are used to the idea that they can return things to a department store. However, this is only because the department store has a policy to allow returns to keep customers happy. On the other hand, it is not likely that an automobile dealer will let you out of a purchase. Once the contract is signed for that new car, it is binding even if you have not taken delivery.

There are, however, situations where the law does allow you the chance to get out of a sale. If you are solicited by telephone or at your home, you have three days to change you mind and get out of any contract. So, if someone comes to your home and sells you vinyl siding to cover your brick house, you can get out as long as you give them written notice within three days. This law does not apply if you first contacted the company. For example, if you answer a newspaper ad and a salesman comes to your house, you would not be able to get out of a contract. By the way, the law does not apply to religious articles. So, apparently Bible salesmen would be exempt.

Reply to Rebuttal

September 29, 2006

2924 N Australian Ave
West Palm Beach, FL 33407

Attn: Complaint Department

File# 42sss
Re: Stephan, Beryl
Member# GTNsss

Dear Venissa,

Consumer Health Benefits Association (CHBA) does not solicit members by phone. Our members contact us first via the internet expressing an interest in our non-insurance medical program. Only then, the consumer receives a call back. All calls are recorded for verification purposes and archived for future use (available upon request). The above consumer knew she was purchasing a non-insurance discount medical program by stating so in the recorded verification call.

Also, the Lousiana law regarding the 3 days right to refusal does not apply in this case as (1) consumer contacted CHBA first (2) notification must be in writing and within 3 days of purchase (cancellation was received by phone from consumer on 9/19/2006, 4 days after purchase).

The fees the consumer paid were used to purchase the non-insurance discount program provided. If there was a covered service under the terms of the consumer's discount program, the consumer would expect the company to fulfill its obligations and provide the discount contracted for. Therefore, the fees paid by the consumer are considered earned and non-refundable.


Rita B Werner
Senior Vice President
Costumer Relations
Consumer Health Benefits Association (CHBA)

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