(www.contractedwork.com). THEY ARE A FRAUDULENT SITE. (this also applies to their sister site www.smarthunt.com)
We used their site to find a contractor abroad who would carry out a website design for us. Meanwhile, we transferred $500-00 to this company's so called 'Escrow' service thinking that since they had been around for a few years, they would be a reliable company to use (rather than transfer money direct to an unknown supplier of It services abroad). After the project was completed, the supplier abroad requested payment. When we went to transfer the escrow money to the supplier from the escrow account, we found that we could not gain access to our deposited funds.
They do not respond to emails, their 'customer service' number is fictional and their telephone number in Florida is dis-connected. It seems that all the details on the whois site are completely false.
Digging in to their site i find out that their customer service number is: Contracted Work Customer Service 1-800-231-8350
and smarthunt.com is another of their sites. They even charge Membership fees from all the suppliers who bid for projects. Their email is contact AT contractedwork.com but there is no response from this email address.
Their I.P. address is
and their address is
Administrative Contact:
Contracted Work Inc
Kelly Brown
2202 n 64st
mesa, az 85215
Phone: +1.8136900047
Email: contact AT contractedwork.com
Technical Contact:
Contracted Work Inc.
9211 lazy ln
TAMPA, FL 33614
Phone: 727-786-1849
Email: Contact AT Contractedwork.com
I have now given the case to the Internet Crime Complaint Centre as well as to my local FBI office. I hope I can get both the websites put out of business as they are a totally fraudulent site and it seems that once monies are in their escrow account, it's gone for good.
Has anyone else been duped by this site's escrow service?
If you have, please let me know and, more importantly, let the ICCC know (at www.ic3.gov).
I'll keep you all informed of the case.
By the way: I'm also especially annoyed at Paypal, through whom noies were transferred to this company. Paypal said that because we were technically outside their '45 day' period, there was nothing that they could do. They used a technically to get out of their obligations to prevent Fraud. As a result, I've close my Paypal account and I refuse to trust Paypal ever again as they are happy to condone Fraud. I've also made a separate complaint against Paypal.
In other words, Paypal won't shut this company's paypal account down, and is happy to keep accepting transfers to this company despite knowing that www.contractedwork.com is committing fraud.