Noticed a weird third-party charge on my Qwest phone bill for something called CONXTR. $14.99 for "vmail srv" I never signed up for and had no clue about. Turned out I'd been billed without realizing it all the way from June thru November! This is a form of slamming I guess?
The company agreed to a full refund and cancel the account. I asked for proof we'd signed up; they sent a form that claims we signed up via an e-mail which includes our name but is not our e-mail. It looks like a bogus or maybe mass-generated e-mail to me and the whole thing smells like a scam. When on the phone with Customer Service at CONXTR I repeatedly asked to speak to an upper-level manager and for the contact information of the company chief; these requests were denied. I was however promised a call from upper management the following day. Strangely, Customer Service asked for a different number to call me back at. Why? Weird. Use the same number, I said. The next day, they left me a message simply restating that my money would be refunded - no consultation with upper management.
I complained to the state AG and Googled around to find I'm not the only one. There should be penalties for this kind of thing!