So today I received not one, but seven calls within ten minutes, they kept cutting and out when I was talking to them so they'd hang up and call back. They told me to pack my suitcase because they "were going to follow my case to the court house". They said they were filing charges against me and they were going to tell my probation officer (I'm not on probation? never have been). They screamed at me, AND GUESS WHAT? I go it all on VIDEO phone call and personal phone recordings. I put it all on YOUTUBE so everyone can see what these lying, FDCPA violating, scum bags from another country did and said to me. FYI I work for a collection agency, I know my RIGHTS as a debtor -- plus I'VE NEVER HAD A PAYDAY LOAN WITH THIS PLACE YET THEY HAVE MY SSN# AND EVERYTHING? They sound like they're from another country and one guy couldn't even PRONOUNCE Wisconsin correctly. Yeah, I'm sure you're a legit law firm...morons. On to the FTC and other places I can complain! :)
Here's the link to the videos: