6/06 @ 6:03pm
6/09 @ 4:42pm
6/11 @ 6:52pm
7/03 @ 1:46pm
7/03 @ 1:48pm
7/07 @ 9:34pm
7/12 @ 12:36pm
7/15 @ 9:29pm
7/16 @ 5:54pm
I was told to put the dates and times of the dropped calls so that they may be reviewed and credited back to my account, which I have been having nothing but trouble with. You all should really find a way to forewarn your customers of the "side effects" of your services, then you wouldn't have so many unhappy customers because we know what we are paying for and setting ourselves up for. Dropped calls, slow system that makes you negative and blocked so that you miss valued time with the only form of communication with them. Then there is more dropped calls then that but that is how far back my phone records show...you should be able to see them though.
Thank you in advance for your time...
<3 Kt
(7135051781 number of acct.
Laverne Pritchett..name on acct.)