In my town there is one Doctors office that covers gyno work.
Otherwise you must drive an hour to recieve care.
Coventry requires you to pay 2000.00 deductable before they will help you pay any of the bills after that.
Also you have to pay 2000.00 deductable for family planning as well
Now Im stuck with a 1200.00 bill and I pay for full health coverage...
If you sell health insurence or own a buisness and are looking for healthcare coverage...DO not use coventry.
I would have been better off going to my doctors office and claiming I had NO bill would atleast have not been as much.
Companies like this are the reason why the US needs healthcare reform.
No one thinks that going to thier only doctors office in town for routine work...will lead to this when you have healthcare coverage. Dont let this happen to other people..