The main thing to understand when buying from the Cover Guy is that they are just a Middle Man. They don't make the covers, they just take your order and pass it along to the plant that will make it, and keep the difference.
The cover I ordered included and upgrade($)for a heat seal that goes between the two halves. This seal was two inches shorter on one end than the width of the cover, thus leaking heat. On cold mornings you can see a steady stream of steam escaping.
Also, after just a couple of months, water is collecting under the vapor barrier. I was offered an upgrade for that too, but declined thinking that it would have to at last as long as the original cover without it.
Bottom line is that you really have to be motivated to be without your spa for the duration of the time that the cover would be tied up in shipping- if your request for a replacement was even honored. Many reviews I had read before making my purchase, stated that too often they were given the run around. this applied to several cover replacement sites.
I look at it as if it is a roll of the dice. You may luck out and get a perfect cover, but if you don't, the money you saved by not buying from a place where you could do a face to face return is lost in inconvenience and aggravation.