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Category: Business & Finances

Contact Information
Corpus Christi, Texas, United States

Phone number: 9567356298


Leticia Lopez May 10, 2011
Failure to protect my children
On behalf of Maria Solano. S.O.S URGENT// for what I’m sure is going to be another negligent investigation on behalf of alias “Robert White case #c-11-08-146 lead investigator for San Patricio County David Wood in conjunction with Victoria County and Freeport.
Children of Maria Solano and Jesus Solano
1. Solano, Jesus Gabriel, Jr. DOB: 05/20/1995 SS# 630-48-3309 Place of Birth: Corpus Christi, TX
2. Solano, Victoria Lynn DOB: 02/07/1997 SS# -4696 Place of Birth: Corpus Christi, TX
3. Solano, Emily Andrea DOB: 05/21/1999 SS# -7782 Place of Birth: Lake Jackson, Tx

CPS gave Solano, Jesus Gabriel Jr. the alias of “Robert White.”

Solano, Maria Botello (Mother) Middle Name: Enriqueta SS# 450-95-0330
Residence: 1401 West Dove Ave. Apt. 23, McAllen, TX 78504
Driver License No.: 09553791 DOB: 07/28/1976 Class: C No Restrictions Expires: 07/28/1914
(Maria Solano is on disability, and receives 702 dollars on the last Wednesday of the Month)

Lopez, Leticia Guadalupe (Partner) SS# 456-59-4700
Residence: 1401 West Dove Ave. Apt 23, McAllen, TX
Driver License No: 19018314 DOB: 06/27/1979 Class: C Restrictions: A with corrective lenses
Expires: 06/27/1979
Work: Doctor’s Hospital at Renaissance (Full-Time), Best Buy (Part-Time), U.S. Army Reserves

Solano, Jesus Gabriel (Father) Cell No’s: (361) 652-9961, Work Cell: (904) 759-1148 or (904) 218-0753
Work: Hydrochem (904) 781-7913 Add: 5803 West 5th St., Jacksonville, FL
Residence in Texas (Owns): 105 South Crescent Dr., Victoria, TX 77901
Residence in Jacksonville, FL (Renting): 3950 Summerpines Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32257
SS# 462-89-9528, Solano, Jesus was adopted by Estevan Solano, Maternal mother Rosario.
Solano, Jesus still has a Texas License.

Parents of Solano, Jesus: Rosario Rangel Solano and Estevan
Vincente Solano
Residence: 14505 County Road 39B, Sinton, Texas 78387
Residence: 14505 County Road 1392, Sinton, Texas 78387
Brothers of Solano Jesus: Nicholas Solano (Accused Rapist), Esteban Vicente Solano (In Prison for Rape of a Child) has many aliases (Stevie V, Stevie), Manuel Solano (Serving the National Guard), Solano, Daniel (Architect).

Solano, Maria Angelica (Wife of Solano, Jesus) Age: 36 DOB: Unknown SS#: Unknown
Also Known as Ramirez, Maria Angelica
Cell No.: (361) 218-9452 Place of birth: Unknown
Work: Bank of America: 3 Possible locations (50 West State St, Jacksonville, FL, 2011 San Marcos Boulevard, Jacksonville, Fl, 840 Edgewood Ave South Jacksonville, FL )
Possible work Numbers: (904) 355-7428, (904) 306-9595, (904) 381-9945
Christopher Herrera (Ex Husband, Father of Christopher and Julian): Christopher (Also Known as Danny) age 12, and Julian Herrera (Age 11) children reside with Mrs. Solano.
Mrs. Solano also has two other young boys by names of Alex Ramirez (age 15), and Jonathan Ramos (Age18)
Father of Alex and Jonathan is Unknown by us.
Solano, Maria Angelica (Has family in Jacksonville, FL, Pharr, Texas, Victoria, Texas, Corpus Christi, Texas)
Parents of Solano, Maria Angelica (Corinne & Roberto G. Hinojosa)
Mrs. Solano sister (name unknown resides in Jacksonville, FL)
According to Mrs. Solano her biological father is affiliated in a major gang or mafia (Gang or mafia is Unknown), But threaten Maria Solano by phone that she will use any available resources necessary if she needs to.
Davila, Frank (Attorney)

2818 S. Port Ave, Corpus Christi, Texas 78405
Mr. Davila was the divorce attorney for Solano, Jesus. He also received 750 Dollars form Leticia Lopez and Maria Solano in order to take legal custody of Solano, Jesus Gabriel Jr. (Popeye). According to the American Bar Association it was unethical to take money from Mrs. Solano, because he was opposing lawyer in the last modification, which I was unaware was unethical. There were also sections filed in the last sanction by John Flynt my attorney for unethical practices by not informing me, and Baldemar Garza who he knew was my new lawyer about the court date of December of 2007. He said he notified John Flynt of the hearing because he was the lawyer that had been on the last docket, even though he’d already spoken several times with Baldmar Garza about the modification and knew that John was not representing me in this case. Therefore not notifying Mr. Garza of the court date, not notifying me of this court date, so due to my failure to appear I was found in default and my daughters were given to him. When Mr. Flynt was finally made aware of all this, he filed a motion for an emergency hearing in the 94th district court of Nueces County under the ruling of Judge Bobby Galvan. During the hearing Judge Bobby Galvan agreed and reversed the judgment granting me a new trial. As soon as I stepped out of the court room, Mr. Davila had me served with the court order that he’d filed in Victoria County the day before the emergency trial, therefore giving jurisdiction to Victoria County. Which according to Mr. Flynt was called “venue shopping” as he was directed by Judge Bobby Galvan that the case was to stay in Nueces County, However when we went to court in Victoria County the judge disregarded, Judge Galvan’s order to retain jurisdiction and new trial. That’s why I lost my girls. Not based on a jury trial deeming me an unfit mother, based on a default judgement that by the looks of it was very thought out and planned. Whether or not Mr. Davila was sanctioned after all, I was never made aware. At this point, I had no more money for attorneys, and even though I knew that some major malpractice was going on, I had not life lines, I accepted my loss although it was ridiculously hard and tried to move forward with my life, only having the right as a joint managing conservator, but not having to right to designate primary residence. In 2009 Maria Solano and Jesse Solano both parents decided to be as civil as we could and work together to raise the children as a unified unit. We sat down together and discussed my son’s behavioral issues and the idea of sending him back to me since they could no longer handle his behavior. Maria Solano agreed to give it a shot thinking maybe all he needed was one on one time spent with him, since Mr. Solano’s wife had four to five children of her own and could no longer only focus on popeye, since his behavior hindered their ability to be happy. Maria Solano agreed and was asked to pick him up before Christmas because they had no intentions on giving him gifts as they felt he did not deserve Christmas. Mrs. Solano did not agree in their theory that children had to earn Christmas and birthdays and so on and so forth. Anyhow, Mrs. Solano took him before Christmas and made sure he got gifts. At the time of his pick up, Mr. Solano and Mrs. Solano (new wife) proceeded to bully Jesse Jr, into telling me that he’d made horrible allegations against his brother about being molested, he then claimed that when he was told he picked up the phone to call the police and file a report but before he did, Mr. Solano claimed that Jesse Jr. (popeye) stopped him and told him he was lying and he was just mad at Nicholas Solano for not letting him play a game. He failed to mention that during this conversation, Angelica and Jesse Solano Sr., threatened him about what was going to happen to Nicholas and if they found out he was lying he was going to put in an insane asylum. He failed to inform Maria Solano, that he was then severely punished and told if he ever repeated the story he would put him in an insane asylum. Maria Solano asked Jesse Jr., if it was true what they were saying, he then said yes and that he was sorry for saying it because he did not want his uncle to go to jail, as he still loved him. On our way home that day, just to be sure since I’d known how afraid of them he was. Jesse Jr proceeded to say, “No mom, I lied, I was wrong, don’t talk about it because I don’t want Nicholas to go to jail and be raped for being a molester like my dad said. I was wrong, and I don’t want to go to jail for lying so please don’t talk about it.” Maria Solano then replied, “Are you sure, I won’t be mad, you can tell me anything” Jesse Jr. became agitated and replied, “ Awwhhh, Mom don’t start trouble, I’m just so happy to finally be living with you after so many years of not, let’s not ruin it with the past.” Maria Solano replied, “OK, ok just want to make sure. But you can’t make up stories like that they will get you in trouble.” He replied, “I know, I know”. As time went on, Mr. Solano continued to harbor a grudge against Jesse jr. (popeye), he would call and threaten Maria Solano that he better not find out Jesse Jr, was saying a single word about his brother or he was going to pick him up. Maria Solano’s response was always, “ oh my god Jesse, he already admitted that he lied, he doesn’t say a word about Nicholas, what more do you want, should I punish him again for the same crime?” Mr. Solano would sarcastically replied, “I’m just saying, I will not allow him to ruin another life, like he did mine.” Taking offense to this remark, Maria Solano proceeded to tell Mr. Solano, “Stop terrorizing him! He knows he made a mistake, why can’t you forgive him, he’s your son. We all say things that we regret later.”
After that conversation, Maria Solano being curious by Mr. Solano’s constant threats once again approached her son and asked. “Why is your dad so stuck on this issue, did he molest you or not I need to know.” Again agitated he replied, “Awwwhhhh, I already confessed I lied, why does he keep calling, I haven’t said anything about Nicholas. He’s just still mad because he said that I could have ruined Nicholas’s life. I don’t even bother them, why does he keep calling and accusing me, I’ve never said anything else bad about Nicholas, I already said I was sorry, how long do I have to be punished for this. Maria Solano replied, “ Well I’m not punishing you, I just want to know the truth because I’m tired of his threats, ” Jesse Jr replied, “mom just don’t answer, I don’t want my dad in my life, he treated me like crap the whole time I was there, buying her kids American eagle clothes and buying me clothes from “Fallas Paredes”. Maria Solano then past him the phone and instructed Jr to tell his dad for himself because for some reason my word isn’t good enough.” During his conversation with his father, Maria Solano noticed the anxiety and anger building up in her sons demeanor, not wanting the argument to escalate, Maria Solano grabbed the phone, and told Mr. Solano, “You see, there you have it. I told you, he doesn’t say anything about him. You are the one that makes him look guilty because of your constant inquiries about what popeye could possibly be saying about his brother. How many times do you want him to apologize, he made a mistake get over it. You’re making me wonder if I should look further into this, “hearing me say that to him. Popeye reacted aggressively and grabbed the phone, and told Maria Solano, Mom please it’s not true, if you say things like that they are going to take me back and I really don’t ever want to live with that satan’s spawn anymore(referring to his stepmother) so please don’t threaten him. Maria Solano at this point just figured that he was so desperate to never go back to that “hell whole”. Maria Solano responded, then you need to make sure he believes you because I’m tired of the threats, and I hope that you are being truthful, because when you lie a lot, no one is ever going to believe anything you say. So if you say he didn’t do anything I believe you, but you need to tell your dad for yourself. He then picked up the line and said, “ dad, I’m not saying anything about Nicholas, why can’t you forgive me, I already said I was sorry and I won’t do it again, I’m only 14 I made a mistake, stop calling and accusing me of doing something that I’m not.” From what Maria Solano could here Mr. Solano’s reply was something to the effect of, “Because, I’m still not over how you tried to destroy my family. And that he was not going to change it, since he was such a pathological liar.” Jesse Jr. replied, “ok dad, yes sir, yes sir, again I’m sorry I said it.” Mr. Solano, went on to say, “Sorry isn’t good enough.” Maria Solano then proceeded to grab the phone and say, “ ok Jesse that’s enough, sorry is good enough, he made a mistake, he hasn’t spoken of it since and he admits he lied, so what is the problem. Let me put it to you this way, his problem isn’t with Nicholas, it is with you, and your constant threats and I’m sick of it, I promise you that your threat of coming for him is ridiculous, and if he wanted popeye back he’d have to take me to court, because he’s afraid of you, NOT Nicholas.” Mr. Solano, then began to change his tone being much nicer and apologizing to me, because he really had no interest in fighting anymore, he was just so hurt that he could say that about his brother.” Maria Solano responded, “He’s your son, you have to get over it and forgive him. And that’s where it stayed, he stopped calling and he let it go, which made my son feel much relief. Because I’d been married to Jesse Solano Sr, and knew what a bully he was and how much domestic violence there was, in my head I just figured that he was being bitter because Jesse Jr claimed to have acted so badly over there on purpose because he wanted them to get tired and wind up sending him back to Maria Solano(maternal) Maria Solano just assumed he was trying to use the same tactic he used on her, as physical violence had been such a huge part of our marriage, Maria Solano, then proceeded to end the conversation by saying, “you see, I told you! So F*** off and if he called again with the same issue, which in Maria Solano’s head had been resolved, she was going to call the cops and file a harassment claim. Again Mr. Solano realizing that Maria Solano would follow through, began to back track and apologize, claiming that he was just so hurt by what he did. Maria Solano responded, “Well find a way, because no one should be punished for the same crime over and over. Mr. Solano agreed and the calls stopped.
As time went by, and I started a new job, Maria Solano noticed that wages were still being garnished from my pay even though the newest modification stated that Maria Solano was to pay Jesse Solano Sr. directly and not be enforced by the attorney general. He claimed he did what he could and that it was not his fault. Maria Solano and Jesse Solano both agreed to support the children mutually and not involve the A.G. So the problem was fixed. However when Maria Solano’s my illness took a turn for the worse, I could no longer work. And because of this I had to go on public assistance like Medicaid and chips health insurance and food stamps. I believe that on or about Thanksgiving of 2010, Maria Solano received a letter from the A.G. setting a hearing for Mr. Solano to pay child support and offer medical coverage. This angered Mr. Solano as he called Maria Solano and said that if he wound up having to pay child support that he would just take the boy back. Maria Solano argued that it was not fair, that she was waiting on a decision from the ssdi office concerning her eligibility as she was concerned about trying to get caught up with her arrears, even though she’d provided the children with all their school clothes and shoes for the start of the new school year. She argued that it was not fair to make her pay child support, yet he refused to even consider helping Maria Solano with a single expense for their son Jesse Jr. She also argued that she did not make a claim to the A.G”s office apparently when you receive public assistance and there is an absent parent the case is referred to the A.G”s office. Since we’d agreed to keep things as civil as possible, we decided that since he’d left the state without even informing Maria Solano, therefore hindering her visitations as she could not afford to drive to Florida and the court order stated specifically where we were supposed to meet. Which was in Corpus, therefore at this time Maria Solano has not seen her children in a year, yet continues to be expected to pay child support and was being black mailed by Angelica Solano(current wife) as she kept saying that the only way Jesse would even consider a modification was if I went ahead and canceled any public assistance I was receiving or they were going to just come get the boy, Maria Solano responded by saying “how can I take him off his insurance, if he is a psychiatric patient, I could not afford to take that risk. So finally after being tired of the A.G. issue and the constant threats Maria and Jesse Solano both agreed to relinquish each other’s right to the children in order to avoid such conflict. Although it was hard, Maria Solano felt cornered and had no choice but to agree. However Angelica Solano (new wife) made it clear that she did not want to work with my attorney because he was a bully. Angelica Solano would only agree to allow her attorney to handle the case and stated that the cost was 1500.00 and that Maria Solano needed to pay half of it, if she wanted all this to go away. Being that Maria Solano was not working at the time, she asked her partner if she could take out a loan for her as she did not have good credit. Her partner agreed but decided to make payment arrangements instead of a full payment as she did not have good credit either, however was willing to lend her the money so long as it was done expeditiously, because she was tired of all the drama and tired of me always having to walk on egg shells. Angelica Solano agreed that they’d both make three payments of 250.00 dollars and gave Maria Solano’s partner the address to Frank Davila’s office so that she could make that payment. However, although Maria Solano no longer considered the acct hers, since she had not made a deposit in over a year, she was still a user on the acct. So the Checks sent to Mr. Davila had both Maria Solano and her partner Leticia Lopez’ name on it, and all payments were cashed. Maria Solano can provide proof of those payments through bank statements. As time went by, Mr. Davila seemed to keep delaying the paperwork stating that having to deal with the A.G. on behalf of Mr. Jesse Solano had set him back.
The point is, Frank Davila as of this day, has yet to comply with what was agreed. Has never returned any of Mrs. Solano’s requests for an update.
Fast forward to Easter Sunday, of 2011. Jesse jr, had gotten into an argument with a few family members and because I grounded him he threw a cup at Maria Solano. The next day, still holding a grudge Jesse Jr, because he is bipolar not type 2, also has impulse aggression disorder and ADHD, he went into Maria Solano’s room, while her guitar instructor was in there, not realizing what Jesse jr, was about to do, Jesse Jr attempted suicide by taking all of his medication at one time.
After he was stabilized and medically cleared he was transferred to the behavioral center at Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, for assessment. During the intake assessment, when asked why he did it. He began to state that he could not get the visions of his Uncle Nicholas’s penis in his mouth as he did not bathe regularly and it smelled so bad. He went on to describe the sodomy very explicitly, after confessing that. He went on to say that Mr. Solano knew about the rape however told him that if he ever repeated the story to anyone again he would put him in an insane asylum as he has tried to do several times before he lived with Maria Solano(maternal). Being afraid to talk about it, he just could not take it anymore and would rather die than take a chance that his father, Jesse Sr. would try to take him back. He gave explicit reports of the severe mental and physical child abuse on both Mr. Jesse and Angelica Solano. Like having to earn the right to sleep in his bed, if he did not pick up enough rocks they forced him to sleep outside with no water or food so his sisters had to constantly find ways to sneak him food and water then he would just wonder around town and go back home in the morning before they awoke. He was locked in a laundry room on several occasions for up to 10 hours a day, made to kneel in rice for hours on end, that he still bares the scars which were photographed he also explained that if they went into the house, and looked at a certain part of that kitchen they would find the faded wall paper from his crying and both Mr. and Mrs. Solano would cover it with plants, when one of the children tattle telled on him Mr. Solano would line the children up take off his leather strap and whip him until the children all cried and begged him to stop but it had to be to his satisfaction. He was allowed to be beaten by Angelica Solano’s 18 yr old son, for there enjoyment as they would laugh. He was tortured by the constant degradation and humiliation he was put through after telling his father he was gay, the list goes on and on and on and on, its horrific and there is an ongoing investigation with charges being placed against both Jesse Solano Sr, Angelica Solano, and Nicholas Solano.
Later that day, she was told by a friend that had come to see her at the hospital, that Mr. Davila unethically took my money, knowing that he was not supposed to be representing me because he was on the opposing council during the last modification. She was informed that the minute he cashed those checks he agreed to take you on as a client, whether or not there was a contract. Now Mr. Davila refuses to not only reimburse her, but as of yet contact her. Now she has no money for another attorney and Jesse Sr. still has the exclusive right to where he lives. No one will help her, not even the attorneys that screwed her case in the first place. She has no means to legal help to try and file for a modification, as the daughters they have are currently still residing in Florida with the suspected rapist. After being sworn to by Mr. Solano that he’d been kicked out, not willing to take a chance Maria Solano had a wellness check done on her daughters status, only to find out that the perpetrator is still in the house, she’s called cps, she’s called as many people as she can to help her get her daughters away from him. So Mr. Solano misled Maria Solano in his fake concern about his son, his concern was about keeping his mouth shut, however he was never allowed to see him as he was not allowed onto hospital property. The sad part of it all, was that Maria Solano filed complaint after complaint with cps as she noticed that something was going wrong with him right around the age of seven, but because Mr. Solano made allegations of pot use, they were more focused on whether or not she was smoking pot after only testing positive once and she smoked it on a weekend d that the children were at their fathers house for his visitations. CPS was asked in court if they’d ever caught me in the act, if they ever smelled it, if they ever found me under the influence, she replied no to each answer. The judge then proceeded to agree that Mr. Solano could no longer control what Maria Solano did on her weekends off as long as it was not in front of the children. He also informed bother Jesse and Maria Solano were not to use cps as a tool, and cps would have to get permission from the court for any further investigations. He continued to disregard the order and Maria Solano was still being harassed by cps with ridiculous allegations. He also committed fraud in trying to claim Jesse jr on his income tax because he’d not been with him that year. The fact here is that many people dropped the ball here. Cps for harassment and not focusing on protecting my children as the judge said in his own words “because cps failed to file the correct paper to remove custody of the boy from Mr. Solano, he was bound by operation of law and Maria Solano was forced to give him back. Only to find out in the end she was right all along. San Patricio County police dept for failing to do a full on investigation when Maria Solano filed charges on Jesse Sr for giving him a black eye on Easter when he was around 8 for asking for water when he was trying to sleep. The extent of their investigation was that one of the officers there had a wife who was the librarian in the school he attended and claimed to work with Jesse jr regularly and saw nothing wrong, that was it, no more, no less they didn’t even try to find out if it was possibly true. The fact is that Maria Solano has been screaming for help on behalf of her son for over 10 years but her pleas fell on deaf ears, and now her son is schitzo – effective with suicidal ideation. All because no one listened because she smoked pot recreationally. She has been tormented by these people for years; she lost all her children because of Mr. Davila’s unethical behavior in the first trial. And even now, no one will help her. She has no money as she only receives 702.00 a month disability and he won’t reimburse her. The fact is that these agencies and these people not only failed her son to point of attempting suicide, but Maria Solano even now is still being tormented by Mr. and Mrs. Angelica Solano. Due to years eight years of horrific domestic violence, constant sexual advances that she has had to submit to in order to keep the boy, the deviancy of Angelica and Frank Davila, and the tragedy of losing her children based on a default judgment, she now is simply broken, however stays up all night reversing her sleep schedule to make sure that her sons bad relationship with food and self image get better, so that he does not get up and spoil the pyramid diet he is on to reverse the side effects of abilfy, does that sound like a bad mother to you? And continues to try to save her son from these people and get her daughters back, she will attempt file civil suits against all these agencies on her own, but that’s not fair. I am well aware of the mistreatment by cps from the first case worker who drug tested her. And as she explained to the cps worker that husband called her to talk about being civil about the divorce and didn’t want any problem, “we’ll just smoke a joint, relax and get this done the nice way”. The very next day he called in the report, cps worker Griselda Lopez showed up at her door demanding a drug screen while her husband pulled up across the street she live at on fig street. in Corpus Christi, and popped her of course she knew she was dirty but asked why Jesse was getting the kids, and the cps worker said, “it’s called, not inhaling”. As she pulled her three year old daughter crying from her arms. As she wrote out the safety plan, the neighbor whom had also seen them smoking and said hi, overhearing what was happening told the case worker that he saw him smoking; of course being only what must have been 16, she did not even consider his statement. Turned to Mrs. Solano and said “chingow miss te chingaron, que gacho, pinche wey” however why was none of this on the original cps report. Adding the fact that the first one before that, was concerning a biter spite that he claimed was not being treated, showed up while Mrs. Solano was at work at APAC, leaving her daughter in the care of her sister, not aware that her sister had or would even smoke in front of the child, came to remove the child/ receiving a frantic call from her sister, Maria Solano rushed to the house, while Mrs. Lopez escorted her to Driscoll Children’s Hospital, under Dr. Espiritu whom was actually her pcp at the time, he took one look at it and said, “you really think that a mosquito bite, is something that requires emergency services and dismissed her.” Meanwhile assuming that he was going to get his child on that occasion because Maria Solano was not home, she was not removed. However Maria Solano confronted Mr. Solano about an allegation made that he’d seen his dad’s girlfriend sucking on his wee wee and got in trouble. CPS Worker, turned to him and said, “sir you’re going to have to watch that”, why isn’t that in any of the reports, why was she given a safety plan for her issue and he not given one for his. Only to find out later that Mrs.CPS Griselda Lopez had been a close friend to the Solano family for years, did anyone know that. Because the current Mrs. Solano made it clear, and claims she also knows current cps workers hear as well. Read the following:
Lopez-Hess still may face jail time after a June 1 hearing.
CORPUS CHRISTI — A former Child Protective Services supervisor took a plea deal Friday for probation for falsely accusing a man instrumental in helping convict child abusers of molesting a child himself.
Grizelda Lopez-Hess, 38, pleaded guilty to a charge of making a false report of abuse. She still could be sanctioned to jail time.
Lopez-Hess was accused of making a call to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services on Oct. 9 and making a false indecency with a child report. The false report was made months after Lopez-Hess no longer was employed by CPS, which falls under that department.
As part of the deal prosecutors recommended she be sentenced to two years in state jail, which was suspended for three years probation.
The agreement includes the conditions that while on probation she stay at least 200 yards away from the man she falsely accused and his family, and not work with any child abuse victims. She also must attend anger management, complete 100 community service hours, pay a $1, 000 fine and give $50 to the Nueces County Children’s Advocacy Center.
Prosecutor Angelica Hernandez also asked District Judge Tom Greenwell to impose one more condition — that Lopez-Hess serves 90 days in county jail. She said the jail time is warranted because the allegation prompted a CPS investigation and disrupted the lives of the man and the child he was accused of molesting.
Defense attorney Eric Perkins argued jail time isn’t appropriate for his client.
That issue will be decided by the judge at a June 1 hearing.
Hernandez said after the hearing that the falsely accused man approved of the plea deal and likely will testify along with the child at the next hearing.
A department spokesman has said Lopez-Hess had worked for CPS since 1997 and was the supervisor for the local sexual assault unit, until she was fired in May 2008 for sharing confidential information, which damaged her credibility.
I challenge you to read type her name onto YouTube and see what she did to this innocent man, which also proves that CPS from the beginning has had only one propaganda, and that is to attack a mother who worked sometimes three jobs to support her children, and never ever purposely put her children in harm’s way, and remains very bonded and in love with her children. So my question is now, who is under attack here. Her, because I can assure you that since I met her as my supervisor for the graveyard shift, and lived with her for two years in order to afford expenses as, I too only make eight dollars an hour have never seen her under the influence of any illicit drugs. So who are we protecting now, the Solano Clan who calculatively conspired to make sure that she would end up disabled, by this enormous injustice? And are the proper authorities really going to investigate. As she has yet to hear, from the cps worker in Florida, who claimed to call her back with a safety plan, any of the investigators and in fact, for the first time in what seems to be an honest and caring case worker, who seems to really care for the safety of this child, and has indeed made my son feel much more secure than any other cps agency ever has, is my what I consider to be my, son as we were on the middle of granting me guardianship, not only to make sure that he would not ever have to go back, but also to provide him with the military benefits I would be able to provide him with, in case for some reason, she ever died, due to illness or any other god forbid tragedy, going to be protected this time as promised in what I understand to be numerous advocacy tapes showing the children especially the boy begging them not to send him back. And yet again, and again they failed to file the correct paper work to remove any and all rights to the boy, making it another win for the people doing the abusing as she once again, told her boy, as she held him goodbye, “just do what you have to do to survive I forgive you, ” he cried and said ok; As he claimed to cps and to Maria Solano, “ she only likes me when I talk bad about you, and I hate doing that, again he was around 10.”
I would also like to add that the only reason Maria Solano ever smoked was to antagonize hunger for an eating disorder created by Mr.Solano when she weighed at her heaviest 219 pound and dropped to dangerous weights of 99 to even 89 pounds. However now she receives a prescription called magea is at a used on aids patient should her symptoms start to arise, as they have a little however maintains a healthy weight of 125 pounds. Not to mention that in order for he to receive her pills for pain from her pain manager must test before she can receive her prescription, as she was and has always been honest to her doctors about her past use, which I’m sure they will attest to and showed Mrs. Selenia Gonzales the results of her last test which is not only by urinalysis but by also blood screening showing negative for any illicit drugs after she asked if she still used them. Mrs. .Gonzales was satisfied with that, as blood screens are more accurate and stayed focus on the actual matter at hand and that is the safety of this boy, FINALLY A GREAT CASE WORKER, who also made this boy for the first time feel at ease with her intentions to make sure it never happens again and for that I am truly grateful. However would still like to inquire about passing me guardianship, of the boy as she fears the urgency to do it asap, in case Mr. Solano and his wife, attorney or anyone try to do what they did to her the first time. Also, disabled or not Maria Solano very actively participates with his school counselor Mrs. Liquez who is also willing to testify that Maria Solano from the time Jr, started school, she always kept her informed and well alerted if anything were two arise pertaining to any side effects to medication, issues regarding classes, bullying, and anything that would disrupt the foundation that she has so deeply tried to provide for him since being left behind in her care. And many, many other friends, witnesses and teachers will in fact confirm. However would like to add that should the focus of any investigation in this case again begin to shift towards her and her abilities as a mother based on false reports, false allegations, or which if you read closely as the ad litem in the first trial said, “after reading all material and reports from cps, I determine that this cps war I basically just a waste of trees, ” I am well aware of my rights through constant contact with my jag attorneys and am willing to provide the funds for Mrs. Solano if need be, which by the looks of it won’t be necessary since McAllen Cps seems to actually care.
Respectfully Sergeant Leticia Lopez/I will attest, I will rescue/I will make every and any effort to protect this woman, her son and her two children whom still remain in the homes of the perpetrators. whom which justice has failed leading to the situation at hand right now as “randy white” or popeye still fears and reacts nervously and afraid, every time there is a knock at the door, waiting for either cps to attack or his father for that matter as they have stripped him from his mother over and over again, how is that in his best interest. If this me by affidavit so be it. I have served tours in Iraq in the United States Marine Corp and still serving as a chemical warfare specialist for the U.S Army Reserve however I did not serve to give people with false intentions the right to remove this boy from what seems to be his last chance for prosperity based on falsehoods, and mislead investigations.
She can be contacted at 956-735-6298 or 956-648-5859 she resides at 1401 W. Dove apt 23 in McAllen Texas. Let’s face it she has a strong case here; there was a lot of malpractice because I have done more than 150 hours of research trying to help her. Someone has to do something and fast before Mr. Davila devises another plan that fools the court, and grants Mr. Solano custody again, because at that moment she fears that it would results would be catastrophic.

On Thursday, when I go home to see my mother for the first time in two weeks, since Mrs. Solano (current) after being told of the situation by Maria Solano, the minute she knew. And confronted her as to her lies, deviancy, and her plans to protect this boy to the fullest extent, by pressing charges on any single person that ever laid a single finger on him, and in saying that if anyone in that house so much as touches my daughters from this point on, she would move forward with more charges as she already had. Angelica Solano responded via speaker as they were yelling at each other, “no one is coming into my house to “fuck” with my kids, you already know who my dad is and I’ll take you all out”. I reported the incident to my NCO and 1rst Sergeant, and intend to file charges against her tomorrow, for placing a terroristic threat against a united states military servant, a threat to the boy I am trying to salvage, and the woman that has so desperately and hideously attacked time after time, only to find out that the only reason why, was because her sister whom had stolen he identity, also reported to Corpus Christi p.d. which I also intend to provide, had not only called Maria Solano’s mother by claiming such hideous offenses, l believe one of them was walking naked in the middle of the street under the influence of something I have to go back and read it, which was just ludicrous to begin with, and because of her mother’s disagreement with her lifestyle(gay) not only took her children for a what she claimed to be a couple of weeks then refused to return them if she did not, leave the relationship she was in and force her to move to the valley in the first place. Reporting to CPS, every single lie her sister Laura Jasso, who in fact has an extensive criminal history, is a drug attic, and committed a felony when she made her minor daughter Samantha Jasso, stop the mail man in order to steal popey’s disability check using an old i.d. that Maria Solano had lost, causing Maria Solano to have to reimburse to double payment which according to ssi he no longer qualifies for because his medication stabilizes him? As per his father, who took him off his disability benefits to begin with? Also after being in a car accident, in a car that Maria Solano took out under her name as a favor, told the officer she had no i.d. and again placing numerous tickets under her name and only finding out after she tried to renew he license. After summoning the person in the other vehicle for the court date, who absolutely made it clear that Maria Solano was not the person who was driving, that in fact she was the one who had gone to pick her up. Therefore, dropping the charges and it is because of the toxic relationship with her family that most of these allegations come from, with the exception of two siblings, and because of that does not have or maintain a relationship with her mother. However does not make that decision for her children as Maria Solano’s mother acknowledged that she’d been misinformed and does believe her mom loves her children and has their best interests at heart, however does not and will not ever retain one with her. Which is the understanding that they both have. So when you look at all the facts and police reports and her criminal history, or lack thereof. There is a very significant paper trail that lead Mrs. Solano through years of CPS abuse, and misuse and years of screaming for help from those same agencies to help her son as she knew something was wrong, from the moment her daughter Victoria told her about how hard she was hitting her sister Emily who was only three at the time and the fact that she herself had been raped by her grandfather and subdued to severe punishment for the same behavior her son displays from her father which should also be in your cps reports, where’s that report. So I am sure you can understand why Maria Solano had every reason to doubt that instead of protecting her son, as to the matter at hand which are the allegations of sexual abuse and physical and mental abuse from Nicholas, Jessie, and Angelica Solano, instead of targeting lies and rumors about her to which these allegations are not against, as she has never hurt a single child in her life. Are you in fact going to do a full investigation to the best of your ability or should I file these reports with higher law enforcement agencies?. We have yet to hear anything about the case, we look everyday for updates, making Mrs. Solano a nervous wreck as she does not like the threat Mrs. Solano (current) made, and fears that if we do not hear something soon her son may feel unheard again. Thank you for your time please respondsas soon as you can.
Simply put many civil violations and is prepared to file if once again the law fails to protect her and her children from years of torment by all these law enforcement agencies who deemed her unworthy of the right to not only retain the children that she herself bore, and she herself had a right to protect.
The main reason I am writing this report is because of the fact that the day before yesterday after trying for days to speak to her daughters, Victoria told Maria Solano that she needed a classical guitar because the steel string acoustic guitar that she’d bought her last year is not supposed to be used in learning classical music and they had no money to get her one. Maria Solano then proceeded to the first pawn she found and pawned her laptop to buy it for her.
However ., being both her and I, are medical record specialist trained in analyzing every single page for error, I want you to know that I intend to file charges with hippa as I know every single rule. The reports from Dr. Blavier submitted by my husband were false, and have two appts to have different l.p.c’s review his work, because after having the experience I have in medical records I know for a fact that those reports were completely false, and that you, cps, doctors hospital at renaissance, have no intention on perusing this matter, I am taking him to specialist to get full medical review of any and all parts of his body as I felt that, the review from Estella’s was prejudicial against me from the start, because from one day to the next Mrs. Molina upon meeting her was very nice, the day of the affidavit, it almost felt like an interrogation leading me to cry which was unnecessary and although I know she did not intend to she made it clear that she was not the lead investigator, and that you guys needed to step it up, verbatim. I am angry, betrayed and I know, for a fact that once again you, your county and these residents that preside there are the ones you are looking out for as I have not received a single report back from you. Once again thank you for your, however I will do my best if I have to hire the most expensive lawyer I can find, to file the appropriate civil suits against every single agency he made an outcry to for several years, he is not shcitozo effective, I am getting his records from his psychiatrist and intend on filing suit against all and any agencies that fail to provide correct information to protect the welfare of my son. Thank you.

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